Monday, December 30, 2019

Book Review Ok, Cut The Deck - 2566 Words

â€Å"OK, cut the deck.† Codee’s mother said as she slid the cards to him. He stifled a sigh. Tarot readings had always seemed a ludicrous act to him, but he felt his mother’s tarot readings had an especially ludicrous quality to them. He had no issue with humouring her, but he found it hard to take her seriously. It wasn’t just the fact that she was obviously stoned: the hoppy smell of weed was discernible through the smell of incense, and Mother’s eyeballs were lined with a warm, blood-red glow. But more than that, what made it really difficult for Codee to take her seriously was the fact that, sitting opposite him at the small table, she painted a perfect picture of every cliche of a gypsy fortune teller. Her locks of hair, falling to her†¦show more content†¦Her little baby was going out to sea with big brother Dane, and she was going to do whatever she could to stop that from happening. Never mind the fact her little baby was a grown m an of twenty-four years, and therefore more than capable of making his own decisions. Never mind the fact that big brother Dane was an incredibly experienced skipper and had never lost a crewman. Mum didn’t understand the way a tuna tow works, the way diving or working on a boat works, and so she assumed the worst. Having said that, though, Codee knew he didn’t understand any of it either. He’d done plenty of diving, sure, but that had only been for fun. This was going to be a genuine hard slog. Dane had made that fact abundantly clear when Codee had called him out of the blue a month ago. He’d made that clear alright, but very little else. And so Codee knew next to nothing about what he was getting himself into. But he didn’t fear it, not like his mother clearly did. Not yet, anyway. â€Å"We’ll conduct this reading in three cards,† Mother said, red eyes wide and full of flame. â€Å"In order, they will represent the beginning, middle, and end of your time on the job. This first card represents the beginning of your journey.† She smiled a knowing smile and gestured to the deck. Codee took his cue and turned the top card over, placing it in the middle of the table. Mother and Son stared together at the card, she with a look of desperateShow MoreRelatedNetflix Invented Hr4567 Words   |  19 PagesMcCord S heryl Sandberg has called it one of the most important documents ever to come out of Silicon Valley. It’s been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. But when Reed Hastings and I (along with some colleagues) wrote a PowerPoint deck explaining how we shaped the culture and motivated performance at Netflix, where Hastings is CEO and I was chief talent officer from 1998 to 2012, we had no idea it would go viral. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

George Washington, John Adams, And Thomas Jefferson

George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Not only is this a list of US Presidents but it is also a list of three of the most well-known Founding Fathers. Yes, they have their reasons to be because each one of them have numerous achievements and have accomplished many things that others have not. But one Founding Father often over looked, and not just because he stands five feet four inches tall, is James Madison. With all due respect, James Madison has accomplishments that stand just as well against the test of time. James Madison to me is one of the most important Founding Fathers. Please allow me to explain why I chose Mr. James Madison, the background and upbringing of him, some of his most notable contributions to the Unites States and why those contributions are still important today. The reason I chose James Madison over the rest of the Founding Fathers is because I believe he isn’t as well-known as he should be and with that being said, would like to inform you about him. Madison has accomplished many great things in his life that have had an effect on the United States as we know it today. Undoubtedly the biggest contribution that Madison made to the United States of America was the he was the author of the draft that was used to create the Constitution and without the constitution there really wouldn’t be a frame of government. Another reason I chose James Madison is because he fought for religious freedom, believing it was an individual’s right fromShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of The Declaration Of Independence1486 Words   |  6 Pagesstrong and independent men who were interested in the future of the country and its ability to stand on its own. Some of the most important men who signed the Declaration of Independence include: Geo rge Washington, John Adams, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. The founding fathers were a group of men who were sick and tired of the abuse and mistreatment of the British soldiers in the 1700’s. There were times when soldiers would come in to homes andRead MoreThe First Five Presidents Of The United States1233 Words   |  5 Pagestheir names were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. The president I think that impacted the U.S the most was George Washington who was in office for eight years (1789-1797). George Washington who was the commander in chief and led the army in the Revolutionary War and gained freedom from Great Britain at that time there was thirteen colonies in the United States. In 1783 George Washington signed a peace treaty with Great Britain. John Adams which was theRead MoreThe First Five Presidents Of The United States Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pagestheir names were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. The president I think that impacted the U.S the most was George Washington who was in office for eight years (1789-1797). George Washington who was the commander in chief and led the army in the Revolutionary War and gained freedom from Great Britain at that time there was thirteen colonies in the United States. In 1783 George Washington signed a peace treaty with Great Britain. John Adams which was theRead MoreThe Bloodless Revolution Of 18001666 Words   |  7 Pagesyears before 1800 to the Neutrality Proclamation, the John Jay Treaty, X Y Z Affair, and the Quasi War. George Washington, in his second term of office, issued the Neutrality Proclamation in an attempt to ease the tension and conflict with Britain caused by The French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson, being so disgusted with Washington s policies, resigned his secretarial position in May of 1793, when the proclamation was announced. Despite Washington s attempt to fix the conflict, British ships continuedRead MoreAnalyze the contributions of Washing and Jefferson in helping establish a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution.1448 Words   |  6 PagesIn 1789 George Washington was elected as the First President of the United States of America under the Constitution. In the following years after George Washingtons administration was John Adams and succeeding him was the Third President of the United States Thomas Jefferson. George Washington and Thomas Jeffersons administrations contributed to establishing a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution. They str engthened the national government by passing important legislature, peacefulRead MoreCal Essay1005 Words   |  5 Pagesessential key in clients table and an outside key in the requests table: customer_id first_name last_name email address city state zipcode 1 George Washington 3200 Mt Vernon Hwy Mount Vernon VA 22121 2 John Adams 1250 Hancock St Quincy MA 02169 3 Thomas Jefferson 931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy Charlottesville VA 22902 4 James Madison 11350 Constitution Hwy Orange VA 22960 5 James Monroe 2050 James MonroeRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The Second President Of The United States Of America1656 Words   |  7 PagesThomas Jefferson, writer of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States of America, was born on April 13, 1743. The future president was born to the parents of Peter Jefferson, a well-known and successful planter, and Jane Randolph, a prominent member of a very well-known and distinguished Virginian family. Jefferson was the third of ten children who were raised on the Shadwell slave plantation in Virginia. Starting from the early age of nine, Thomas Jefferson beganRead MoreAbigail Adams And The American War880 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican, such as Abigail Adams, were doing their best at home to survive. Women like Abigail needed to perform tasks that were normally done by their husband, such as farming. Abigail was left to protect her land and stand up for themselves from passin g armies on both sides. The war was not only being fought on the battlefield, but also at the men’s homes. Most of the time of the time during the Revolutionary War, Abigail Adams and her children spent it at home, while John Adams was traveling to meetingRead MoreFounding Brothers : The Revolutionary Generation903 Words   |  4 Pagesthe New Government The book Founding Brothers - The Revolutionary Generation consists six stories, each of them focuses on a significant creative achievement or failure of seven important men of the early United States. They are George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, and Aaron Burr. Joseph Ellis has depicted these founding brothers – or founding fathers - in their efforts to lay the republic’s foundation of the most liberal nation – statesRead MoreAp Us Questions1624 Words   |  7 Pagesidentifies Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison and Abigail Adams to be the most important figures in the early republican. Hamilton was the country’s treasurer and was in charge of the financial issues. Thomas Jefferson served as the peacemaker, and was also the governor of Virginia. Benjamin Franklin and James Madison were the founders of the early r epublic. George Washington was the first president of America, which meant

Friday, December 13, 2019

Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. Free Essays

Action Plan: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. Energy Beverages Action Plan: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. Energy Beverages Inhoud Introduction. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3 Analysis. 3 The Market. 3 Competitors. 4 Customer behaviour. 4 Marketing Mix 4ps. 5 Product. 5 Place. 5 Price. 5 Promotion. 5 Recommendation. 6 Target Market. 6 Product Line and Positioning. 6 Marketing. 6 Advertisements and Promotion. 6 Pricing. 7 Introduction The history of Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. is very complex, but all started when Jean Jacob Schweppe invented the world’s very first carbonated mineral water in 1783. A young pharmacist, Charles Alderton from Waco, Texas made Dr Pepper in 1885. It was only sold in the pharmacy where Alderton worked. In 1970 in the New York -region health food store owners invented a new apple soda, Snapple. The Unadulterated Food Corporation owned Snapple and later it becomes Snapple Beverage Corp. Within the years companies were growing and ownerships have been changed and Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. has formed from different beverage companies. Today Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. is one of the most known and largest non-alcoholic beverage producers in the U. S. Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. is in both the flavoured carbonated and the non-carbonated soft drink businesses. The most known brands are Dr Pepper, 7UP, AW and Canada Dry. In 2007 Dr Pepper Snapple had an 18, 8 % share of the U. S. carbonated soft drink market segment. Dr Pepper Snapple was the only big non-alcoholic beverage company without its own energy drink in 2008. Basically Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. was struggling with a problem whether it should produce its own energy beverage or not. The main issue was would the launch of a new energy beverage be profitable and a wise investment for the future? Moreover, how can the new energy drink compete with other huge brands? There are several difficulties and elements to evaluate before entering the energy beverage market, such as the market itself, competitors, consumer behaviour and marketing. Analysis The Market The energy beverage market is one of the fastest growing and most innovative segments of the current beverage market. Red Bull, Monster Energy, Rockstar and hundreds of similar positioned brands had estimated sales of 6. billion dollars in 2006. From 2001 till 2006 the annual growth rate of the energy beverage market was 42. 5%. However, analysts are now projecting an average annual growth rate of 10. 5% from 2007 till 2010. This, we conclude, is due to market maturity, increased price and increased competition. In addition, one should also note that consumers in this market only choose up to 1. 4 different brand s, which tells us the market is very loyal to existing brands. If a brand can build and maintain a sufficient customer base, they will benefit from loyal recurring buyers. The difficult part however is getting these loyal customers. Due to the above mentioned conditions, we find it a viable statement to describe the energy beverage market as profitable but tough. The market can be segmented through three main attributes; demographic, geographic and psychographic. As for demographic, the most profitable customers are male between the age of 12 and 34. However, we can’t say anything towards the income level, race and ethnicity of the consumers due to lack of information. We further believe that energy beverages are mostly onsumed in urban and suburban areas. If we in turn look at regions, we can state that the main consumption of energy beverages takes place along the west and east coast of the US. Psychographic segmentation shows us that the main parts of the market, the greatest consumers of energy beverages, are gamers, students and athletes. These groups of people look for an energy boost, to improve mental alertness, as refreshment and for th e taste. Competitors The main competitor in the energy beverage market is Red Bull. The brand was introduced in 1997 and was the pioneer of its time. Red Bull has a high brand awareness due to its massive advertising efforts. For example: Red Bull Stratos  was a  space diving  project involving  Austrian  skydiver  Felix Baumgartner. Baumgartner broke the  sound barrier  on his descent,  thus becoming the first human to do so without any form of engine power. Eight million people viewed the Red Bull Stratos project live and hundreds of millions of people heard about it via every kind of media creating a massive publicity flow towards Red Bull. Currently Red Bull is the market leader, however, due to high prices and the increased competition Red Bull is losing market share and sales. Hansen Natural Corporation (HNC) is another strong competitor. They produce and manufacture a wide variety of non-alcoholic beverages in the U. S. However they are known for their energy drink: Monster, which we see as one of the most promising new energy drink brands. Recently HNC have benefited from distribution agreements. For example: Anheuser-Busch wholesalers distributed the brand to retailers in different territories in the US in 2007. They also distribute to on-premise retailers. This includes bars, nightclubs and restaurants in territories selected by Hansen Natural Cooperation. Furthermore, Monster Energy focuses on a specific age group. They focus on gamers, Extreme Sports enthusiasts and the hip-hip crowd. This enables them a huge market, mostly with the gaming community. The last prominent competitor is Rockstar Inc. Rockstar was introduced in 2001 and is distributed by the Coca-Cola Company. Rockstar, alike Monster, focuses its efforts on the gaming and extreme sports community. As of 2008 Rockstar holds a 14% market share in the US and thus, it must be considered to be a competitor. Customer behaviour The heavy user of energy beverages can be described as male between the ages of 12 and 34. According to statistics, the average American would consume about 4. 32 litre of energy drink a month. The beverages are primarily consumed in the late afternoon and early in the morning. Most frequently, consumption takes place at home, in the car and at work/school. We can also state that convenience stores and supermarkets are the most dominant off-premises retail channel for energy beverages. The major reasons for the use of energy beverages are the need of an energy boost, for improving mental alertness, as refreshment and for taste. As previously stated, customers are loyal towards their brand though we still believe people will be willing to try a new product if it seems interesting and appealing enough. If the potential buyer is then satisfied with the product, through for example interesting brand, product fits their needs, is user-friendly and easy to access, loyal customers can be attained. Marketing Mix – The 4Ps Product The product is an energy drink which tastes good and gives a boost and refreshment to its users. The main ingredients which give the boost and taste are caffeine, guarana and taurine. Probably stevia could be used as a sweetener; because it differs from competitors sweeteners. The product should be suitable for men who are 12-34 years old. The package should be convenient, for example a bottle with a screw cap since no other brand has such packaging. Also the size of the package is very important, since the 8. 3-ounze is the most popular but 16-ounze size represents 50 % sales in convenience stores. Place Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. bottling and distribution system supplies both off-premise and on- premise retailers, but off-premise retailers are more potential and efficient to the new energy beverage. Off-premise retailers contain massive part of the whole energy beverage sales. Price 2, 00$ per single-serve package is the normal retail price in the energy beverage industry regardless of package size. Promotion In order to launch the new energy beverage, introductory media advertising and promotion expenditures are essential. Even though Dr Pepper Snapple Group can’t afford the same kind of expensive marketing and sport sponsorships as their competitor Red Bull does, but by using efficient channels the new energy drink can still reach potential customers. Recommendation Target Market When Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. decides to introduce a new energy beverage on the market we recommend them to focus on male consumers between the age of 12 and 34. These consumers are, according to the statistics, the most profitable. They consume about 4. 32 litres of energy drink a month. The main consumers in this target market would be gamers, students and athletes. Furthermore, we recommend that Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. should focus on consumers that consume their energy beverage at home. We believe it is now very difficult to get a stronghold in on-premises as they are very loyal towards Red Bull and Monster energy drinks and therefore advise to focus on off-premises for selling the energy beverage. Product Line and Positioning When it comes down to the product line of Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. nergy beverages, we recommend they should firstly offer one flavour of energy beverage. This flavour can come both in a regular and sugar-free version. Furthermore, we recommend they should introduce a single-serve aluminium bottle shape with a resealable screw cap. By introducing this bottle we believe Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. can diversify from its competitors as they all have aluminium cans that upon opening can’t be closed. Furthermore, these bottles s hould be offered as a single serve to the consumers and with a 8-ounce content. We recommend that the brand should firstly get a stronghold onto the energy beverage market before offering multipacks and maybe even bigger sized bottles to its consumers. This also includes for introducing different kinds of energy beverages. These can be introduced onto the market when they have a build a strong and loyal brand. The current brands offer its consumers â€Å"Energy† and â€Å"Mental Alertness† as benefits for drinking their energy beverages. As a competitive advantage Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. could offer an increased amount of caffeine, herbs and B vitamins per 8-ounce servings. Marketing Advertisements and Promotion In order to launch the new energy beverage, an introductory media advertising and promotion expenditures are essential. Even though Dr Pepper Snapple Group can’t afford the same kind of expensive marketing and sport sponsorships as their competitor Red Bull does but by using efficient channels the new energy drink can reach the potential customers. We recommend the use of social media like Facebook and Twitter. Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. has a free way to communicate with their potential consumers via social media. They have the opportunity to start contest and create a loyal group of followers. Furthermore, we recommend Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. to sponsor events to gain higher brand recognition. Moreover, the bottle is an interesting way of getting the attention by having contest if they buy the bottle they can win tickets to a certain event which they could sponsor. Pricing When it comes down to pricing we recommend to be in the $2. 00 range. This price is offered by most of its competitors and is a price consumers are willing to pay for an energy beverage. However, we also think there is a possibility to have discounts or: â€Å"buy three bottles get one free† pricing to get the attention of the consumer. We also recommend tosee if an agreement can be made with large retailers such as Walmart to offer value packs at lower prices, this of course when the brand is settled in the market. In the end we believe that if Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. follows these recommendations here above they have will have an energy beverage that can compete in the current energy beverage market and be one of the main competitors due to its diversified product- and price offering. References Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. [ 2 ]. Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. [ 3 ]. Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. Exhibit 2. [ 4 ]. Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. Exhibit 2. How to cite Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc., Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Source-Based Questions on Ussr Weakness After World War One free essay sample

Source A’s purpose if to inform the Reichstag of the USSR’s weakness and needs in economic aid. Dr Walter Simon is paying respects to the Soviet Republic, hence giving a positive view on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 2) The treaty of Rapallo had enormous benefits for both Russia and Germany. According to source B, some reasons for this entente would have been to compensate the war and civilian damages; indeed, this treaty permitted both countries to get back on their feet military, politically and economically. This contrasts with the reasons cited in source A, where it seems more in an act of pity for Russia that Germany sign the treaty, in fact, in source A, Russia is considered a weak state that needs aid, whereas in sources B and D, Russia is viewed as equally weak military and economically where they shall co-operate in a spirit of mutual goodwill in meeting the economic need of both countries. We will write a custom essay sample on Source-Based Questions on Ussr Weakness After World War One or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In source B the approach to the treaty is much more peaceful and strategically effective directly on the economy and the politics, which opposes source D who has a much more aggressive outcome to the settlement. Indeed, in source D, the agreement is concentrated on the issue of Poland, which both countries seem to be opposed against, and where a reason for the signing of the treaty is made out of hatred against Poland and how it weakens both countries. Sources D and A share a common opinion on the inferiority of Russia to Germany, as source D cites that Germany will create in Russia an armaments industry made to serve the Reich. 3) Source C’s origin is an extract from a letter from Chicherin to the French foreign minister on the treaty of Rapallo on the 29th of April 1922. The purpose of this letter was clearly to let the French government know that the treaty of Rapallo had no secret intentions against the French. The value of this source for historians would be its connectivity with the moment in history when it was recorded and the actual point of view of one of the players of European history. The fact that it is such a major component of the time – Chicherin – that writes the letter gives this historic letter an even greater deal of importance, for he had personal experience and direct views on what was happening at that time. However the limitation in this letter is that it may as well be untrue facts he is stating but only his personal opinion and viewpoint. Considering the relationship between the reader and writer, prejudices and cultural standpoints of the author are to be questioned. The origin of source D is one of the proposals to partition Poland to the Reichswehr leaders after the Treaty of Rapallo by General Von Seeckt on September 11th 1922. The purpose of this proposal is to express a negative viewpoint on the elevation of Poland as an independent country. The speaker is clearly trying to convince his audience teaming up with Russia to eliminate Poland. The value of a document like this for historians is that it provides and indication of the nature of some feelings against Poland from the Germans, as the facts that are stated in the source are justified and make sense, it would probably be shared with the public. Thus enhancing the value of knowledge in international relations at that time, providing an intimate glimpse into these relations. However the limitation is of course the fact that this opinion might be false and completely unshared with the public, molded around personal hatred and opinion. 4) Russia and Germany had both been undermined from the treaty of Versailles, with Germany being an enemy of the powers of the league of Nations and Russia haven gotten out of the war before its end, both had had disastrous consequences due to the treaty of Versailles. In the early 1920s Germany was interested in signing a treaty with the Soviet Union to enhance political, economic and military expansion and to prevent any more threat from the Polish Republic. Poland was apparently France’s vassal and with its emergence, took some land away from both Germany and Russia, hence invigorating hatred from its neighbors. This tension between the small state and the two major powers continued and menaced the peace settlement that was supposed to be implemented by all nations according to the treaty of Versailles. Germany wanted to rearm the Reichswehr and this went against the articles settled in the Treaty of Versailles, which is why Germany and the Soviet Union secretly settled some points of the Rapallo treaty underground, such as the land the USSR allocated for German military training. This went against the treaty of Versailles because it stated that Germany was only allowed 100,000 trained military soldiers. Here are two issues that transgress the Treaty of Berlin, indeed with the treaty of Rapallo came an empowering of Germany and Russia, which was what Versailles settlements were looking to diminish. In fact for France the treaty of Rapallo greatly weakened the chances of isolating Germany, which now informally allied with Russia. This meant that the whole Geo-political settlement created with the emergence of the small states such as Poland was threatened because they were now surrounded with two major powers that were helping each other out economically, politically and military. The impact of Rapallo on the small states was that two major powers that hated the new emergences of these newly independent nations were now allied together with hatred. This meant that if Germany and Russia recovered quickly enough (and with the new cooperative treaty this was likely) the newly made states were going to be stuck in the middle and would suffer a great deal of tensions from Germany and Russia.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar vs. General Motors (GM) free essay sample

Analyzes legal case in which GM used basketball stars former name (Lew Alcindor) in a TV commercial. This paper will discuss the legal issues in the case, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar v. General Motors Corporation; Leo Burnett Company, Inc. The first part of the paper will briefly recount the facts in the case. The second part will look at the issues under Section 43 of the Lanham Act pertaining to the use of any symbol or device which is likely to deceive consumers as to the association, sponsorship, or approval of goods or services by another person. The third part of the paper will discuss the issues under Californias statutory and common law right of publicity. The Facts During the 1993 NCAA mens basketball tournament, General

Monday, November 25, 2019

Protecting Our children essays

Protecting Our children essays The overlap between domestic violence and child abuse has been well documented; where one form of family violence exists, there is a likelihood the other does as well. Child abuse and domestic violence often occur in the same family and are linked in several ways that have serious consequences for the safety of children. First domestic violence may directly result in physical and/or psychological harm to the child. Second, even though a child may not sustain physical injuries, domestic violence can interfere with parenting to the point that the child is neglected. Third, if child abuse and domestic violence are present in a home, both problems must be addressed to effectively Children can be injured as a direct result of domestic violence. Batterers may physically, emotionally, and sexually abuse children in order to control the actions of their spouse. Children may also be injured by objects or weapons used to attack their mother. Assaults on younger children may occur if the mother is holding the child while being attacked. Older children who try to break up violent disputed between parents may Children of all ages are affected by domestic violence. Infants exposed to violence may not develop the attachments to their caretakers which are critical to their development. Preschool children regress developmentally and suffer sleep disturbances. Schoolage children who are exposed to violence may exhibit depression, anxiety, and violence towards peers. Later in life, these children are at risk for incorporating violence into their own relationships. There is also evidence that children exposed to domestic violence are at greater risk for abusing drugs and alcohol and for committing violent The most effective way to help mothers and children is to combine child protective and domestic violence programs. This way both victims are pro ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hedgehog concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hedgehog concept - Essay Example ls (family) conducted their business, the respect that they commanded, and the success that came with their leadership provoked my clandestine passion of becoming a leader at whatever capacity of the society. Later I came to discover from whatever small capacity I was given opportunity to lead, I did it diligently to an extent that I realized the passion was beyond inspiration and just in-born. The desire to excel drives my economy. I want to be in a better economic position than I hold at present through better leadership. The success that come with or will come with my good leadership skills is what drives my economical wheel. I am superb in penmanship. My genetic ability is more on authorship. I have more of article writing that have received a lot of acclaims and positive comment. I have not yet fully exploited my inborn ability. In the event that I focus on it and put more energy on it, I have a feeling that it can be best done and in a profitable way. I have focused more on my passion and given a blind eye to my in born ability that came naturally without the influence of people that surround me. Ironically, I have a feeling that Im not that good in writing since the positive comments after penning a piece of article from my friends they are the one that make me feel that I good in the world of authorship. My first step in moving forward is doing something that relates to my passion and skills. I should stop being persuaded by my passion and instead put more effort in making what I can do best in great heights. This particular step can be achieved in a number of ways. The only thing to be known on this scenario is to focus from being good to greatness. One way to achieve this goal is to concentrate on field of penmanship since it where I am good already (Collins 25). I should put concerted effort to improve my strength other than to concentrate on my passion where I am likely to be weak. It will take more energies to better my weakness where my passion is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Introduction to E-Commerce Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Introduction to E-Commerce - Coursework Example The case of â€Å"The Royal Automobile Club† and â€Å"Cabela’s† will be discussed in this report. These are two businesses which expanded their operations through e-commerce. Enhancement of the web portals increased the sustainability of the businesses. The new platform anchored by the businesses provided the customers with a world-class shopping experience. This enhanced the domain of retail selling of the businesses at a whole new level. This report will emphasize on assessing the findings and analyzing the benefits which the businesses have availed through this practice. The findings in this section have been supported by applying two cases which have elaborately been placed in the appendix. The first case is of Cabela’s which is a retail store business which supplies fishing, hunting, and camping equipment. Cabela’s has several physical stores located and it is engaging with e-commerce for providing ease of accessibility to different customers and at the same time enhance the existing customer base (Micros, 2013). Similarly, the other case of the Royal Automobile Club shows that to facilitate its existing members the business has initiated entering in the e-commerce business. This gives the club members flexibility of reserving the restaurant and rooms at the club in the easiest possible manner (Micros, 2012). Both the cases are adopting e-commerce but the purpose and customers.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Technology and Socity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Technology and Socity - Essay Example Despite the advantages, however, the society and the natural environment has had paid a lot for the construction of dams. Firstly, the dams have affected places that are of vital importance to some. For instance, most of the dams have flooded aboriginal burial sites and midden areas. Burial sites are something considered ‘sacred’ by the aborigines and although the authorities may have to consider the ‘common’ good by building of dams, the aboriginal society is usually affected adversely. The building of dams on the river has also affected the natural habitat. According to the Australian state of the Environment Committee (2001), the main reason for this is the way the ground quality of water has been influenced. Because of the augmentation of the flow of the river by the creation of dams, many cities have emerged alongside the river. Most of these cities are industrial sites that produce a lot of sewage and waste. Most of the waste generated by industries is thrown into the river without considering the consequences. The result is that the water quality has been affected. The Murray River has the capacity of maintaining around 2,539 kilometers of aquatic and riparian life.The contamination of the water in the rivers has affected the habitat for the aquatic life and many species are rapidly dwindling in numbers. Unfortunately along with the industrial waste and sewage, different pesticides and fertilizers are also flushed into the river. Pesticides, especially DDT, do not just kill fish and consequently humans (after ingestion of the contaminated fish). They also disturb the entire ecosystem by disturbing ecological cycles that are dependent on rivers. As a consequence, the contagion of water has led to the extinction of certain insects and birds. Further, the building of dams and weirs requires the clearing of natural

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Primary Socialization Phase Social Policy Essay

The Primary Socialization Phase Social Policy Essay Primary socialization could be more important than secondary socialization as the primary socialization phase is the basic step that an individual takes to enter into society. Socialization has been described as to render social or make someone able to live in society and learn the social norms and customs. Socialization is central to the functioning of any society and is also central to the emergence of modernity. Socialization tends to serve two major functions of preparing an individual to play and develop roles, habits, beliefs and values and evoke appropriate patterns of emotional, social and physical responses helping to communicate contents of culture and its persistence and continuity (Chinoy, 1961). However social rules and social systems should be integrated with the individuals own social experiences. However individual social experiences have become much less important in the study of socialization as the focus is now on identifying functions of institutions and systems in socialization and cultural changes. Socialization is especially true in family and education and has been seen in many family forms and differences in gender roles, in cultural diversity and in occupational standards. However it is important to note the relationship between ethics, norms, values, roles in socialization. Socialization is the means through which social and cultural continuity is attained however socialization itself may not lead to desirable consequences although it is a process and meant to have an impact on all aspects of society and the individual (Chinoy, 1961). Socialization provides partial explanation for the human condition as also the beliefs and behaviour of society although the role of environment may also be significant in any process of socialization (Johnson, 1961). Both socialization and biology could have an impact on how people are shaped by the environment and their genes and behavioural outcomes are also significantly different as the capacity for learning changes throughout a lifetime. Socialization could have many agents such as the family, friends and school, religious institutions and peer groups as also the mass media and work place colleagues. The family establishes basic attitudes whereas schools build ethics and values, religious institutions affect our belief systems and peer groups help in sharing social traits. Socialization is usually seen as a life process and a continued interaction will all agents of society in a manner that is most beneficial to individuals. Socialization could be primary which occurs in a child as the child learns attitudes, values, actions as members of particular societies and cultures. If a child experiences racist attitudes in the family, this could have an effect on the childs attitudes towards minorities and other races. Primary socialization is the first and basic step towards interactions with the outside world and the family is the first agent in primary socialization as the family introduces a child to the world outside, to its beliefs, customs, norms and helps the child in adapting to the new environment (Clausen, 1968). Secondary socialization happens when a child moves out of family and learn how to behave within a small community or social group and teenagers or adolescents are largely influenced by secondary socialization as they may enter a new school. Entering a new profession is also secondary socialization of adults and whereas primary socialization is more generalized, secondary socialization is adap ting to specific environments. Primary socialization happens early in life and is the first socialization in children and adolescents when new attitudes and ideas develop for social interaction. Secondary socialization refers to socialization that takes place through ones life and can occur in children as well as in older adults as it means adapting to new situations and dealing with new encounters (White, 1977). There are other types of socialization such as developmental socialization and anticipatory socialization. Developmental socialization is about developing social skills and learning behaviour within a social institution and anticipatory socialization is about understanding and predicting future situations and relationships and developing social responses or skills to these situations. Re-socialization is another process of socialization in which former behavioural patterns are discarded to learn new values and norms. This could be a new gender role if there is a condition of sex change. Socialization is a fundamental sociological concept and the elements of socialization are generally agreed upon as having specific goals such as impulse control and cultivating new roles, cultivation of meaning sources. Socialization is the process that helps in social functioning and is often considered as culturally relative as people from different cultures socialize differently (White, 1977). Since socialization is an adoption of culture, the process of socialization is different for every culture. Socialization has been described as both a process and an outcome. It has been argued that the core identity of an individual and the basic life beliefs and attitudes develop during primary socialization and the more specific changes through secondary socialization occurs in different structured social situations. Life socialization, especially through social situations as in secondary socialization, the need for later life situations highlights the complexity of society and increase i n varied roles and responsibilities. However there could be several differences between primary and secondary socialization as Mortimer and Simmons (1978) showed how these two types of socialization differ. Content, context and response are the three ways in which the differences between primary and secondary socialization could be explained. In childhood socialization involves regulation of biological drives and impulse control which is later replaced by self image and values in adolescence. In adulthood socialization is more about specific norms and behaviors and relates to work roles and personality traits development. Context or the environment in socialization is also important as the person who is socialized seeks to learn within the context of family and school or peer groups. Relationships are also emotional and socialization also takes place as an individual takes the adult role. Formal and informal relationships tend to differ according to situational context and in some cases contexts tend to affect the emotional nature of relationships. As far as responding to situations is concerned, children and adolescents could be more easily moulded than adults as adult socialization is more voluntary and adults could manipulate their own responses considerably. Socialization involves contacts with multiple groups in different contexts and interactions at various levels. Socialization is a social process and in the process of socialization, parents, friends, schools, co workers, family members tend to play a major role (Chinoy, 1961). However socialization could have its positive or negative impact as seen in broad and narrow socialization process as in broad socialization, individualism, and self expression are important whereas in case of narrow socialization conformity is more important. This differentiation was provided by Arnett (1995) who suggested that socialization could result in both broad and narrow social interaction process as broad socialization helps in expansion and narrow socialization is more about conformity and according to Arnett, socialization could be broad or narrow within the socialization forces of friends, family, school, peer group, co workers etc. Socialization type could vary across cultures as in America for instance there is an increased emphasis on individualism whereas in many Asian countries as in India or Japan socialization could be about conformity to religious or social norms (Arnett, 1995). However primary socialization could be more significant than secondary socialization as primary socialization is about forming a basic attitude towards people and society and this in turn helps in shaping the identity of individuals as a child. Primary socialization is social learning process in childhood whereas secondary socialization is social learning in adulthood or social learning added to already existing basic learning process so secondary socialization is about added learning and in some cases substitute learning where changes in the socialization process takes place due to new environments such as change of workplace or entering new work environments or new schools (Johnson, 1961). Primary socialization is more basic as in primary socialization the child learns the very first social responses and develops the first social beliefs and attitudes. Based on primary socialization process, secondary socialization is about using the primary socially learned responses to adapt them to new environments through secondary socialization. Since primary socialization occurs in childhood and in the childs immediate environment as through home or family, it is more significant and has a greater impact on the childs attitudes and beliefs as well as social and emotional development. Primary socialization could be said to have a direct impact on the child and shapes the future of the child and how he grows up with certain beliefs as in case of children who see racial hatred in the family is more prone to develop their own hatred towards other races as a result of direct conditioning in the family environment. In fact the young people in later years are peculiarly shaped by what t hey learnt and experienced in childhood and how they were conditioned to react to situations and people and thus primary socialization is of greater significance in later years than secondary socialization (Clausen, 1968). Within this context, families and schools are of prime importance and are considered as the first agents that implement the processes of social control. Youth crime and anti social behavior could be explained with the aid of direct primary socialization as what the individual learns at home is of major importance and shapes his later life and could also explain any kind of deviance (Pitts, 2001). Young people enter crime possibly through racial hatred or lack of social inclusion and these attitudes such as against other races are formed in childhood or adolescence and the child usually learns from the family members, school peers and direct social environment (Muncie, 2004). Social inclusion is one of the major issues of socialization as emphasized by the government as minority communities and individuals from different races and religions may feel excluded and this exclusion leads to a sense of frustration and crime among the youth of the excluded groups (McAuley, 2007). In order to overcome this sense of exclusion, minority groups and especially the young people of minority groups have been given special support through various social services of inclusion and inclusion is also part of the socialization process and could be considered as secondary as individuals go through social inclusion adaptive processes and behavior after they have been already brought up and undergone primary socialization in their family homes or schools that were not too conducive to inclusion. In fact the making of responsible citizens include adaptive processes at home, family and school, work or general community and the young people develop knowledge of cultures at home and in the community and also endorse their own subcultures of social attitudes and behavior that are influenced by primary rather than secondary socialization (Hall and Jefferson, 1976). Considering that primary socialization and what we learn from the immediate environment in childhood is more important than secondary socialization and what we learn at the workplace or in new environments, primary socialization still remains the basic socialization process and secondary socialization only implies a change or an addition to what has been already learnt in childhood. Bibliography Arnett, Jeffrey J. 1995. Broad and Narrow Socialization: The Family in the Context of a Cultural Theory. Journal of Marriage and the Family 57( 3):617-28. Buckingham, D. The making of citizens. Young people, news and politics. London: Routledge. Byrne, D (2001) Understanding the Urban, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan Chinoy, Ely (1961) Society: An Introduction to Sociology, New York: Random House. Clausen, John A. (ed.) (1968) Socialization and Society, Boston: Little Brown and Company Fyfe, N (ed) (1998) Images of the Street: Representation, Experience and Control in Public Space, London: Routledge Foucault, M. (1977) Discipline and Punish London: Penguin Hall, S. and Jefferson, T. (1976) Resistance through rituals, youth subcultures in post-war Britain. . Johnson, Harry M. (1961) Sociology: A Systematic Introduction, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. McAuley, R (2007) Out of Sight: Crime, Youth and Social Exclusion in modern Britain, Cullompton: Willan McLaughlin, E; J Muncie G Hughes (eds) 2003) Criminological Perspectives: Essential Readings, London: Sage (2nd Edition) Mortimer, Jeylan T. and Roberta G. Simmons. 1978. Adult Socialization. Annual Review of Sociology 4:421-54. Muncie J (2004) Youth and Crime, London: Sage (2nd Edition) Pitts, J (2001) The New Politics of Youth Crime, London: Palgrave Macmillan. White, Graham (1977) Socialisation, London: Longman

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Managing Exam Stress Essays -- Coping With Exam Stress

Define stress: Stress is the body’s natural response to a threatening situation, and stress causes the release of hormones such as adrenaline, that prepare the body for its instinctual response to a threat: flight, fight or freeze. The adrenaline causes processes in your body to change, for example, your breathing and heart rate quicken, your senses sharpen, muscles tighten and your blood pressure is raised. These changes allow your reaction time to increase, which could mean the difference between life and death. However, many people, including students, live in stressful situations every day, and this has a negative effect of their health. Factors causing exam-related stress: One of the main causes of exam-related stress is the pressure on students to excel in the exams academically. Pressure can be placed on the student by family or friends, as well as by the student themselves. Pressure placed on the student by family members is often the result of parents wanting their children to achieve better results than they did, causing unnecessary stress on the student. Fear of disappointing family members also causes high levels of stress for the student. Certain expectations are held of students by their parents, such as being accepted into a certain high-school or tertiary institution. These expectations can be unrealistic and not be based on the student’s strengths and weaknesses. These expectations can also create pressure on the student to meet his parents’ expectations, which creates feelings of inadequacy when they can’t be met. Pressure is also placed on a student by himself. The student believes that in order to be a good student, they have to do well at school all the time. If the student wants to achieve a certa... ...and-depression-in-children/493_4525/causes-of-exam-stress-in-children.html ï  ¾ ï  ¾ ï  ¾ ï  ¾ ï  ¾ ï  ¾ ï  ¾ ï  ¾ ï  ¾

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Arts Essays – Expressionist, Fauve ; Cubist Art

In 1914, the early modernism critic Clive Bell wrote, The representative component in a work of art may or may non be harmful, ever it is irrelevant. Or, to appreciate a work of art we need conveying with us nil from life, no cognition of its thoughts and personal businesss, no acquaintance with its elements.Discuss the adequateness of this claim with mention to Expressionist, Fauve and Cubist art. On review of Claude Monet ‘s celebrated 1872 picture, ‘Impression – Dawn ‘ , one may detect its capable composing of visible radiation and atmosphere, the ocular effects of mist, fume and cloudy contemplations in the soiled H2O of a seaport ; it is the record of a fugitive minute, a glance of the Sun as it rises through the quickly fade outing mists of morning which, merely seconds subsequently, would hold risen further and changed the whole atmosphere of the scene. Monet, Degas, Pissarro and their creative person coevalss, slightly sardonically named after this renowned innovator piece, exhibited eight times before the 1890s and yet by the bend of the 20th century the Impressionists were being challenged by one of the cardinal elements of their graphics. The morning seaport, lily ponds, danseuses and elusive suburban landscapes that consumed the Impressionist canvas captured a world with which there was a turning clime offive de sieclemalaise. The representative component in a work of art that Clive Bell describes in his 1914 seminal treatise,Art, was cluttered with the irrelevances of literature, scientific discipline and engineering that detracted from the kernel of art as a important signifier composed of strictly aesthetic, instead than realistic, signifiers. Discontentment with the thought that art simply replicated life this new strain of modern creative person approached the easel in order to show instead than depict, to make instead than copy, and therefore the Impressionists dissolved into a fugitive minute of art history. Western art had become preoccupied with an art that embraced the realistic rendition of landscapes and figures, where creative persons worked in forepart of their topics, in the unfastened air instead than in a studio, taking full advantage of the proficient progresss being made in the industry of creative persons ‘ pigments to capture a true feeling of the effects of visible radiation and coloring material. In the early 1900s on the outskirts of Paris Henri Matisse besides preferred to travel out into the streets and do painted ‘impressions ‘ of the streets, the Bridgess, the river, in fact the same subjects that the Impressionists had chosen in the1860s and 1870s. The pictures Matisse made of Notre Dame, nevertheless, had small to make with the atmospheric effects sought by Monet and Pissarro. Rather, he exploited a new reading of world where wide countries of pigment and the reorganization of infinite were cardinal to an of import artistic motion that the Fauvists were shortly to open up: I did non desire to follow a conventional manner of picture ; I wanted to revolutionize wonts and modern-day life – to emancipate nature, to liberate it from the authorization of old theories and classicalism I was filled neither with green-eyed monster or hatred, but I felt a enormous impulse to animate a new universe seen through my ain eyes, a universe which was wholly mine. Henri Matisse, Andr & A ; eacute ; Derain and Maurice Vlaminck evolved this new universe through a manner of painting that earned them the name Les Fauves ( wild animals ) , and, in the brief period between 1904 and 1907 their freedom of look through the usage of pure colorss, additive design and overdone position secured a measure off from the representative component upheld by the Impressionists before them. Matisse ‘s 1904 picture ‘Luxe, Calme et Volupt & A ; eacute ; ‘ can about be viewed as a Fauvist pronunciamento, a disclosure to his circle of coevalss who admired his subjective usage of coloring material, the manner the bare figures had been simplified to the point of ornament and the placing of tree, boat and shoreline to unite the image surface into a individual plane. Through his art Matisse questioned an full heritage of landscape tradition and lead others to oppugn it excessively ; in forepart of this image I understood all the new rules ; Impressionism lost its appeal for me as I contemplated this miracle of imaginativeness produced by pulling and coloring materials. Later work of the Fauves demonstrates freedom from the realistic representation that Bell upheld as irrelevant, but remained concerned with utilizing coloring material for its ain interest. Derain sought a manner out of the deadlock of his fellow Fauvists, experimenting with concepts of a more solid and touchable world within the being of the picture, and it was Apollinaire who remarked that the Cubist aesthetic was foremost elaborated in the head of Andr & A ; eacute ; Derain. To convey nil from life, no cognition of its thoughts and personal businesss and no acquaintance with its elements spilled from a diaphanous impression in Fauvist art into a apparent purpose with creative persons with Cubist understandings. In a blazing renunciation of a tradition that dated back to at least the 14th century, a tradition that equated good picture with retroflexing observed light and signifier, creative persons such as Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso were utilizing their canvases to make a ocular experience of the universe. Art conveyances us from the universe of adult male ‘s activity to a universe of aesthetic ecstasy. For a minute we are shut off from human involvements ; our expectancies and memories are arrested ; we are lifted above the watercourse of life. The pure mathematician rapt in his surveies knows a province of head which I take to be similar, if non indistinguishable. See Picasso ‘s 1909 picture ‘Houses on the Hill, Horta d'Ebro ‘ and one can clearly see how this illustration of daring art can transport its witness to a universe of aesthetic ecstasy. Every seeable surface is broken down into comparatively distinct, comparatively level surfaces to organize a series of aspects, a assortment of quasi-geometric forms, while multiple point of views render the houses from a figure of coincident point of views. See besides Braque ‘s 1909 ‘Castle at la Roche-Guyon ‘ where the cardinal block of edifices in the landscape hovers and spills across both the foreground and background of the piece doing them into accessible, haptic entities with which the witness can prosecute. Braque and Picasso transformed painted landscape into a designed Cubist infinite, manipulated signifiers through artistic look and imaginativeness that bore small resemblance to the surface ( shallow ) world of being. Cubist image infinite has little regard for perspectival infinite, in which solid objects merely of all time recede from the witness, and where infinite itself is ever empty or hollow. In his contemplations on the Avant-garde Clement Greenberg notes that if art and literature are imitation, so what we have here is the imitation of copying. Art as an look, or imitation of imitating, as opposed to a mere representation of life, is a impression that has arguably been exploited legion times during the history of art, during periods of crisis and turbulence, but expressionist art became a preoccupation of its ain during the early portion of the Twentieth Century. The Expressionist art of Wassily Kandinsky nowadayss simplified landscapes and experiments in abstract art, where glowing colorss and ardent brushstrokes convey the work ‘s intending straight to the witness. In his 1911 ‘Improvisation No. 23 ‘ Kandinsky seems to delight in the additive motion of the lines, forms and infinites and literally improvises a design that is about musical in its hypnotic concepts of quasi-staves, points and mock-clefs. In an art-consciousness manner beyond the familiar surfaces of life and the creative persons who sought to animate them, Kandinsky painted in order to link the ocular affair of art to the interior life of adult male. A similar Expressionist phenomenon was germinating in the work of Franz Marc who besides moved off from object-orientated art to an art of lyrical look, haunted by animate beings which represented the lost artlessness of adult male. For these creative persons unnaturalistic colorss, deigned infinites, the beat of nature, symbolic and brooding images constituted the chase for look: Picasso, Braque, Mondrian, Mir & A ; oacute ; , Kandinsky, Brancusi, even Klee, Matisse and C & A ; eacute ; zanne derive their main inspiration from the medium they work in. The exhilaration of their art seems to lie in its pure preoccupation with the innovation and agreement of infinites, surfaces, forms and colorss, etc. , to the exclusion of whatever is non needfully implicated in these factors. Clive Bell ‘s axiom, that art requires nil from life, no cognition of its thoughts and personal businesss, no acquaintance with its elements is clearly demonstrated in the art motions that evolved out of the representative art at the bend of the Twentieth Century. Reactionary against the Impressionistic rendition of objects the Fauvists, Cubists and Expressionists exploited a impression that art should abandon the representative component that had held art in a headlock for centuries in favor of look and heightened attending to the media or stuffs with which they created their art. While novelists explored the job of novel authorship in plants such asUlyssesandThe Forgers, composers drew attending to the really concepts of their music and ocular creative persons made the redolent map of coloring material and organize their recurrent ‘subject affair. ‘ Bell identifies possibly one of the most of import premises in Avant-Garde art and arguably the subsequent advancement of art through the Twentieth Century owes a great debt to the critic who mused: What I have to state is this: the rapt philosopher, and he who contemplates a work of art, populate a universe with an intense and curious significance of its ain ; that significance is unrelated to the significance of life. In this universe the emotions of life find no topographic point. It is a universe with emotions of its ain. Bibliography Bell, Clive:Art, Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 1987 Gaiger, Jason and Wood, Paul ( ed. ) :Art of theTwentieth Century: A Reader, Open University, Great Britain, 2003 Greenberg, Clement:The Collected Essays andCriticism: Percepts and Judgments 1939 – 1944,The University of ChicagoPress, USA, 1988 Stangos, Nikos ( ed. ) :Concepts of Modern Art: Fauvism to Postmodernism, Thames and Hudson, Singapore, 1997 Wood, Paul and Edwards, Steven ( erectile dysfunction ) :Art of theAvant-Gardes, Open University, USA, 2004

Friday, November 8, 2019

Cactus Hill (USA) - Possible Preclovis Site in Virginia

Cactus Hill (USA) - Possible Preclovis Site in Virginia Cactus Hill (Smithsonian designation 44SX202) is the name of a buried multi-component archaeological site on the coastal plain of the Nottaway River in Sussex County, Virginia. The site has both Archaic and Clovis occupations, but most importantly and once quite controversially, below the Clovis and separated by what appears to be a variably thick (7–20 centimeters or about 3–8 inches) level of sterile sand, is what excavators argue is a Pre-Clovis occupation. Data from the Site Excavators report that the Pre-Clovis level has a stone tool assemblage with heavy percentages of quartzite blades, and pentangular (five-sided) projectile points. Data on the artifacts has yet to be published in detailed peer-reviewed contexts, but even skeptics agree the assemblage includes small polyhedral cores, blade-like flakes, and basally thinned bifacial points.   Numerous projectile points were recovered from the various levels of Cactus Hill, including Middle Archaic Morrow Mountain Points and two classic fluted Clovis points. Two projectile points from what are thought to be Pre-Clovis levels are named Cactus Hill points. Based on the photographs published in Johnson, Cactus Hill points are small point, made from a blade or flake, and pressure flaked. They have slightly concave bases, and parallel to slightly curved side margins. Radiocarbon dates on wood from the Pre-Clovis level range between 15,070 ±70 and 18,250 ±80 RCYBP, calibrated to approximately  18,200–22,000 years ago. Luminescence dates taken on feldspar and quartzite grains in the various levels of the site agree, with some exceptions, with the radiocarbon assays. The luminescence dates suggest that the site stratigraphy is primarily intact and has been little affected by the movement of artifacts down through the sterile sand. Seeking the Perfect Pre-Clovis Site Cactus Hill is still somewhat controversial, in part no doubt because the site was among the earliest to be considered Preclovis in date. The Pre-Clovis occupation was not stratigraphically sealed and artifacts were assigned to Pre-Clovis levels based on their relative elevation in an environment of sand, where bioturbation by animals and insects can easily move artifacts up and down in a profile (see Bocek 1992 for a discussion). Further, some of the luminescence dates on the Pre-Clovis level ranged as young as 10,600 to 10,200 years ago. No features were identified: and, it must be said that the site is just not a perfect context. However, other, completely credible Pre-Clovis sites have been and continue to be identified, and Cactus Hills shortcomings may today be of less significance. Multiple instances of fairly secure preclovis sites in North and South America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest and along the Pacific coast, have made these issues seem less compelling. Further, the Blueberry Hill site in the Nottoway River valley (see Johnson 2012) also reportedly contains cultural levels stratigraphically below Clovis-period occupations. Cactus Hill and Politics Cactus Hill isnt a perfect example of a Pre-Clovis site. While the west coast presence of Pre-Clovis in North America is accepted, the dates are pretty early for an east-coast site. However, the context for the Clovis and Archaic sites also in the sand sheet would be similarly imperfect, except that Clovis and American Archaic occupations are firmly accepted in the region and so no one questions their reality. The arguments concerning when and how people arrived in the Americas are slowly being revised, but the debate will likely continue for some time to come. Cactus Hills status as a credible evidence of preclovis occupation in Virginia remains one of those questions yet to be fully resolved. Sources Feathers JK, Rhodes EJ, Huot S, and MJM. 2006. Luminescence dating of sand deposits related to late Pleistocene human occupation at the Cactus Hill Site, Virginia, USA. Quaternary Geochronology 1(3):167-187.Goebel T. 2013. Archaeological Records: Global expansion 300,000–8000 years ago, Americas. In: Mock SAEJ, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (Second Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier. p 119-134.Goebel T, Waters MR, and O’Rourke DH. 2008. The Late Pleistocene Dispersal of Modern Humans in the Americas. Science 319:1497-1502.Johnson MF. 2012. Cactus Hill, Rubis-Pearsall and Blueberry Hill: one is an accident; two is a coincidence; three is a pattern – predicting old dirt in the Nottoway river valley of Southeastern Virginia, U.S.A. Exeter: University of Exeter.Wagner DP, and McAvoy JM. 2004. Pedoarchaeology of Cactus Hill, a sandy Paleoindian site in southeastern Virginia, U.S.A. Geoarchaeology 19(4):297-322.Wagner DP. 2017. Cactus Hill, Virginia. In: Gilber t AS, editor. Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. p 95-95.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

10 Facts for an Anxiety Disorder Case Study to Strike the Audience

10 Facts for an Anxiety Disorder Case Study to Strike the Audience If students must investigate the anxiety disorder case study, they should present the facts and evidence. Otherwise, the paper will lack research and can be banned because of unreliable and not real information. That’s why students should do a thorough research, analyze data, and then present it in the paper. 10 Facts about Anxiety Disorder Case Study Look at the following facts to see what you should look for. According to research data, women are more vulnerable to stress factors and more frequently suffer from anxiety disorders. The Epidemiological Catchment Area has found out that 9.7% of females from the five chosen states of America had all anxiety disorders compared to 4.7% of men. 11.7% of women aged from 25 to 44 suffer from anxiety disorders when only 4.7% of men of the same age turn to their health advisers with the same mental problem. 2.8% of American adult population (18-54 years old) realizes that they have generalized anxiety disorder after clinical testing yearly. As a rule, kids and teenagers acquire such a health complication, but today the number of ill adults grows daily. People who are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder have more chances to get injuries, cardiovascular problems like too low or too high blood pressure and heart diseases, and be hospitalized than those who have no problems with the nervous system. The scientific survey shows that the most typical anxiety disorder is a specific phobia. Almost 12% of the world population has a specific phobia or even phobias. Patients have a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and shiver. For instance, there was a 9-year-old boy who was afraid of buttons. Agoraphobia is an example of possible anxiety disorders. Patients who have to deal with it feel uncomfortable and even experience panic attacks when they cannot find the way out of the situation or an exit door. When they feel extreme pressure, they try to escape the situation. For example, a 30-year old woman experienced her first panic attack when she was surrounded by football fans at a football game. She had hardly found an ambo to get to the ambulance. One of the most dangerous and common disorders is a generalized anxiety disorder. It lasts long (6 months and more) and can be provoked by any stress factor. What’s more a patient feels bad all the time and the health state is getting more and more complicated daily. A patient experiences constant fatigue, cannot concentrate on something, is unable to rest, is very nervous, and has muscle stiffness and insomnia. A person can also complain of headaches, abdominal pain, fast heart beating, and restlessness. For instance, a 28-year-old Caucasian woman turned to her physician because she felt pain in her joints and back. In addition, she couldn’t fall asleep and worried about each detail of her life. Her doctor diagnosed GAD that was the result of depression, alcohol addiction, hypertension, and daily stresses. People who cannot stand being among people or hold a speech in front of the audience suffer from social phobia. They try to avoid public places and often blush, sweat, and cannot speak distinctly in case they experience phobia attack. For example, a 30-year old Jim was afraid to communicate with people he didn’t know, and his wife had to solve all social issues. When his boss sold the business, the man had to deal with new people and responsibilities. Consequently, those worries brought him to a hospital. Many people experience post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s the result of traumas which a person get at some car crash, natural disasters, assault, child abuse, hostage cases, and serious accidents (at war, job, or military service). A person is afraid to live that situation again and starts avoiding vehicles, dark places, etc. For example, a disabled veteran had PTSD and he couldn’t live normally because he was always afraid of enemies and possible shots. He didn’t trust his family and friends and thought that the danger was everywhere. His physician prescribed a number of pills to let him fall asleep, feel less worried, and get rid of muscle spasms. Approximately 1% of people around the world have selective mutism. It’s inability to speak in some situation or at the presence of some people. People don’t speak even if they can be punished. A 4-year-old Greek girl refused to speak and used only gestures in conversation after she had been bitten by a dog. It turned out that she took offense at her mother because her mother hadn’t protected her from the dog (the girl played unsupervised outside). People have separation anxiety disorder when they feel anxiety being away from some people (friends, relatives, etc.) or their apartments. A 13-year-old boy couldn’t attend school and stay at his friend’s home because of SAD. So, you can see that a good paper requires reliable and trustworthy facts. Don’t be lazy and get striking and good information to support your research paper. References: Sue. A case study about panic and agoraphobia in an ex-serving member of the Australian Defence Force. Wikipedia. Anxiety disorder. K. Silverman. Case Study: Disgust and a Specific Phobia of Buttons. Dana Moorer, SPT Kaelin Hocker, SPT. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Case Study 2017. Thomas A. Richards. Social Phobia/Anxiety Case Study: Jim. FQ Facts. Case Study 2. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2009). Selective Mutism due to a Dog Bite Trauma in a 4-year-old Girl: a Case Report.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Nomoramide the synthetic morphinomimetic drug project Essay

The Nomoramide the synthetic morphinomimetic drug project - Essay Example The 'painfree' project appears a rather 'painful' project. Potential of the drug Nomoramide (painfree) appears to be immense, as specialists as well as General Physicians are fully convinced and have echoed their support for the drug, but the major drawback in managing the project has been a lack of sound understanding and respect for the views different departments within the company. Project management as such is a set of principles, practices, and techniques applied to lead project team and control project schedule, cost, and performance risks in order to in delight the customers. But in case of 'painfree' the end result appears to be resulting in a rather painful experience for the company as well as for the customers. The project appears successful to the extent that it succeeded in convincing the General Physicians and specialists about the usefulness of the drug. It generated lot of curiosity about the company and the product, which can go a long way in generating marketing potential for the company in the long run. It appears the company has been able to make good use of its contacts in the regulatory and licensing departments of the governments in different countries, yet it appears at loggerheads with authorities like BGA for continuously ignoring the genuine concerns of the people, which is resulting in restriction of the use of the drug to the post-operational pain, in Europe. In US though the company appears to have convinced in regulatory authorities regarding the drug’s unrestricted acceptance with specialists and GPs able to prescribe it for pain relief. The project team chose to launch the drug in Germany in November when accidents cases are at its peak and a large number of migraine cases are linked to the dark season of the year. The launch was a big success with over 700,000 packages being sold from November 1994 to March 1995. The drug even received rave reviews form experts, medical journals and magazines. But in the absence of adequate market communication from the company, about the precautions after the intake of the drug, the cases of orthostatic hypotension soon started reaching alarming levels. The company could have retained the successful beginning, if it had immediately launched an information campaign for consumer and medical fraternity informing them about the precaution like taking rest after the drug intake, no doing physical exercises etc. But the company appeared grossly under-prepared for taking up such an initiative. This resulted in damaging the credibility of the drug and the company. Therefore, despite a promising start and good product the Painfree project appears to have earned limited success. Ans 2: From the available documents it is more than evident that the project was not managed in a very professional and successful manner. It appears unsuccessful on several counts; i. In this market driven economy when we talk about global village concept, any company studies the market with long term perspective, in such a manner that the customer feels being valued. Data and information is gathered from the market regarding the competitor's position, availability of alternatives, outcomes of similar launches etc. In case of a new drug launch additional care is to be taken regarding its side-effects, safety of the consumer etc. To this end extensive researches are carried out for testing the effects of the drug, data is also compiled from existing studies etc. Here it appears the company, despite

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sustainable Construction, Management and Professional Studies Essay

Sustainable Construction, Management and Professional Studies - Essay Example Moreover, there is also need to ensure that the repair works goes on well in accordance to the design. These expectations will actually be guided by the contracts between Uxbridge Water plc and the designer as well as the contractor for repair works. Consequently, this report outlines the procedure that will be used during the procurement and contract matters for the repair works. Procurement method Since Uxbridge Water plc is aware of the construction process and more over it has a professional team who will play a significant role in the repair works, it is therefore crucial that the company uses design and build procurement method. Although the method is very important in cases where the client, or the company is not familiar with the construction process, the design and build contracting method works well on the projects which has no design and there is need for a design before commencing with the repair works (Macaulay, 2002). It is also crucial when the project contains a high level of technical complexity and will therefore require complex designs. Consequently, the current project involves the repair of a sewer line which evidently is complex. Moreover, the method is good since it calls for a quick start of the project as well as the company can prioritize on time, price or quality. This is very important in this particular project since it needs to be completed as fast as possible owing to the detrimental effects associated with broken sewers. This directly affects the hygiene and brings about pollution of land and air, therefore it can be costly to the company. Consequently, it is important to use the design and build procurement, since it will also give chance for having single point responsibility of the repair works. The method also transfers most of the risks to the contractor. The risks include those associated with money, default, completion and time. Moreover, the risk associated with quality will not only give an opportunity to state the expec ted quality but also it lies with the contractor. Other contracting methods Notably, there are other contracting methods which despite the fact that they are good they are not relevant to this specific project. These contracting methods include the design and build method, management contracting

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Processes of manufacturing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Processes of manufacturing - Assignment Example 3. In casting, the grain structures are not aligned parallel to one another, but are random in alignment. In forming, the grains are aligned to one direction and are closely packed, which impacts greater strength. 4. Forging techniques used are open forging that involves heating the material and hammering it on an anvil; drop forging which involves forging material in a die using a hammer or impacting force; press forging, which involves the use of pressure to force materials into a die; roll forging, which requires the use of rollers and cold forging, which is best suited for smaller objects and involves extrusion through a die. 8. Pipe forming may be achieved through ram style bending, which involves resting the pipe at two internal points and having a rim pressing on the central axis to deform. Rotary draw bending involves drawing the pipe through stationery counter die into the required radius. Ring roll bending involves bending pipes to a large radius or circumferences. 4. Machines for bending angles include rotary-draw for tubes and pipes, push-roll machines, which accommodate roll formed and rotary –draw bends in a single operation and compression machines for heavy materials. 8. Deep drawing involves a work piece deforming in a larger dimension than its diameter. In shallow drawing, the depth of draw is much less than the smallest measurement of the opening. In flexible die, a flexible material replaces one of the dies. The method involves the use of materials such as rubber as the flexible material. 1. Injection and extrusion moulding used for small items, vacuum forming used to form thin sheets of plastic, press forming which uses positive and negative moulds with a plastic sheet between and blow moulding for bottles. 4. Advantages. It involves high speeds production, versatile in producing a wide range of products, good dimensional stability. Disadvantages. Delicate to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thunder from the Sea Essay Example for Free

Thunder from the Sea Essay The story of Joan Hiatt Harlows Thunder from the Sea (2004) revolves around a 13 year-old boy named Tom Campbell and a dog-called Thunder. Tom has been an orphaned since the age of 3, which is why he has never experience belonging in a family. On the other hand, Thunder was lost at sea during a very bad storm and it was during this time of need that Tom rescued this dog. Tom and Thunder were able to find companionship with each other. Tom experienced having a family with the Murray household and a loyal friend with Thunder. It was through these relationships that he was able to find the sense of acceptance and belongingness that he never experience in the orphanage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"No man is an island.† This line is indeed true especially when you used it in the context of this book. Tom Campbell is like anyone else also needs other people in order to make their lives complete. Almost everyone have to establish a certain connection with others in order to know more about themselves. It is through the very idea of caring for someone, being loyal to other people and most especially loving your fellow individual that one can make sense of the world. The mere idea of feeling these emotions makes a person realized that he or she is indeed a human being that is capable of giving a part of his or her life to other people and sometimes that is what it takes for a life to be meaningful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This heart-warming story emphasizes the importance of finding lifes meaning through the influence and aid of others. Someone does not have to be a dog-lover in order to appreciate and see the lessons underlying this book. It approaches the idea of loneliness, loyalty, and love in a way that almost all people could relate to. Harlow succeeded in writing a piece of literature that tackles an important aspect of a persons life especially during this present time that the society is taking for granted how essential it is to establish meaningful and long-lasting relationships.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thunder from the Sea is a good read that will take its readers to an exciting journey of finding lifes meaning. It will also invokes its readers to re-think and re-assess the relationships that they have or need to have as well as their over all outlook about their lives. Reference Harlow, J. H. (2004). Thunder from the Sea. U.S.A: Simon and Schuster Childrens Publishing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The American Renaissance Essay -- American Renaissance Literary Master

The American Renaissance period, circa 1876-1917, heralded a new sense of nationalism with a pride linking to a spirit akin to Greek democracy, the rule of Roman law, and a cultural and educational reform movement often referred to as Renaissance humanism. This American nationalism focused on the expression of modernism, technology, and academic classicism. Renaissance technological advancements include wire cables supporting the Brooklyn Bridge in the State of New York, along with cultural advancements found in the Prairie School houses, Beaux-Arts Institute of Design in architecture and sculpture. The political heir of American nationalism evolved with the Gilded Age and New Imperialism school of thought. The American Renaissance produced major influential literary works from some of the most brilliant minds in U.S. history, including Ralph Waldo Emerson's the "Representative Man (1850)", Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlett Letter (1850)" and "The House of Seven Gables (1851)," Her man Melville's "Moby-Dick," Henry David Thoreau's "Walden (1854)," and Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass (1855)." American Renaissance Literary Masterpieces The American Renaissance, a literary and cultural period circa extending from 1820 to the mid-1860s, gained inspiration from the unresolved issues of the American Revolution. The American Renaissance literary style was coined as "Romanticism," an international philosophical movement that redefined the perceptions of Western cultures, and seldom refers to the preconceived notions of love. Some important authors arising out of this era include: James Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Jacobs, Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Edgar Allen Poe, and Herman Melvill... ...nt known as Transcendentalism and its impact on the American Renaissance. Apocalyptic and Utopian Society: A symbolic presentation of post-apocalyptic America and the utopian society. Romanticism: Musical Composition: Course material covering the musical composition of the Romantic period, also known as the American Renaissance. The American Renaissance period brought about major cultural, social, political, and philosophical change. Pioneers who stood for the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, expansion, and literary experimentalism challenged and withstood opposition to those comfortable with the old social order. These developments continue to influence our society today, despite overcoming major obstacles within the last century. Only we can take advantage of present opportunities to influence and bring about positive change for future generations.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Engagement with China: A Smithian Perspective :: Adam Smith Economics Essays

China seems to have been long stationary, and had probably long ago acquired that full complement of riches which is consistent with the nature of its laws and institutions. But this complement may be much inferior to what, with other laws and institutions, the nature of its soil, climate, and situation might admit of. A country which neglects or despises foreign commerce, and which admits the vessels of foreign nations into one or of its ports only, cannot transact the same quantity of business which it might do with different laws and institutions. Adam Smith, The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Book I, Chapter IX Introduction In today's post-Cold War world, U.S. foreign policy faces a plethora of uncertainties in the economic, social and political spheres. With the geopolitical order currently reduced to one major superpower, the new order is still quite amorphous. For such reasons, politicians, economists, military strategists and others in Washington have sought to answer the question, "Is there any particular country that has the potential to rise to the level of a regional, or even global, hegemon in the 21st century?" Evidence suggests so, and the country that has placed itself on the path of fulfilling that prophecy is the People's Republic of China. A 1994 World Bank study showed in 1980, the PRC accounted for only 3.6% of the world's gross domestic product and 0.8 % of its exports of manufactured goods. It estimates that, by 2010, the PRC could account for 15.5% of the world's GDP and 6.4% of its exports of manufactured goods (O’Quinn, 1997). Clearly, China is poised to assert much more influence on world affairs in the coming century. For this reason, foreign policy towards China has been debated under the realm of two distinct policies, engagement and containment. Engagement seeks to encourage China’s involvement in multilateral agreements and its membership in international organizations as a means of promote Beijing’s respect and adherence to international norms. Containment, on the other hand, adopts a more defensive approach. Its advocates point to the security risks inherent in accepting China into the international community. The policy proposes counterbalancing China in a method similar to that used with Russia during the Cold War. The challenge for the United States is to examine these two policies and determine which will be most effective in promoting U.S. interests vis-Ã  -vis an emerging China. In searching for answers, this paper will utilize arguments from a variety of scholars, most notably the famed economist Adam Smith, in an effort to focus on the strategy of engagement with the People's Republic of China.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


If was to buy the list I would sale contact method that I would use would be contacting them in person, although it would be time consuming and expensive, I would want them to see me and know that I am serious about business. I would be able to directly answer any questions that they might have and it is always good to put a face to someone wanting to do business. Cold calling assumes sales people will be successful If they can reach the right person In an organization. I do not think that cold calling should be used but It Is the only way that some can get through.Cold calling focuses on getting past the middle people. A person who calls Like this tries to let the buyer know why they should make a purchase decision right now. They can create a negative experience. I know that I do not Like when people call me and push me to buy something. Many people are so often hit with advertising messages from TV, newspapers, magazines and it is hard to get their attention. Direct mall can help build relationships between you and whomever you are trying to reach.It is more personal because you can say what you want and have time to put your thoughts together and express whatever it is you need to and is also cost efficient. Most consumers are receptive to direct mail. Yes, I consider sending these contacts unsolicited emails spam. Most of us get spam every day, ranging from a little to a lot, but if you have an e-mail account it is always there. It is frustrating when you open your business email and before you can respond to your customers or email your suppliers, you have spam. I feel that it is just a way for people to try to get you to buy into something, Spam is of no importance to me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Attention Essays

What did Stanislavski mean by Imagination and Concentration/Attention Essays What did Stanislavski mean by Imagination and Concentration/Attention Paper What did Stanislavski mean by Imagination and Concentration/Attention Paper Stanislavski, referred to by many in the world of theatre as the dominant influence on actor training today, had many views and techniques he believed were necessary for an actor to feel or follow in order to be fully prepared for a role. All of these ideas and approaches to acting were directly part of the Stanislavski system. Imagination was key in his system in order to turn the play into a theatrical reality through invention. In conjunction with the magic if which can be interpreted as belief. For example, if this piece of paper was really an injured bird, then what would it look like? How would it feel? Why is it injured? It leads the actor to create details and facts about a certain object or character, which in turn make the situation easier to believe in. Personally when doing this exercise and watching as the bird was passed around the room, each person adding more detail to the situation, my belief in the bird heightened and I became more involved in the situation. Sympathy was evoked for the bird by one girl, showing that the exercise was working for many of us. Every new fact acted as a fixation to the imagination and intensified out belief. The If is magic because it gives the imagination that stimulatory nudge which will excite the actor into action. What was interesting was that before we were told exactly what the piece of paper was, the group thought that we were going to have to imagine something for ourselves, which would have been a lot harder. This showed me that I found it easier working with a preconceived idea, oppose to creating myself and entirely new one. For me, this meant that although I began to believe in the bird, perhaps imagining situations is not as easy as one may think, which is why circumstances and the magic if help a lot when imagining a situation. In An Actor Prepares, Stanislavski sets this out perfectly with I am I; but if I were and old oak tree, set in certain surrounding conditions, what would I do? In the preparation of a role this is crucial. In order to establish the realistic style of acting Stanislavski wanted to achieve, an actor must draw upon the realistic reactions of himself, and incorporate them into the role. Not only will this add to the depth of the character, it will make the audience relate more to the character. By asking questions about the role, it becomes explored until the actor knows and can understand why his character reacts in certain ways, or why he is there, how he came to be there etc. Therefore, the role becomes believed rather than pretended; the actor becomes the character. As Stanislavski said, parts in the play are the invention of the authors imagination, a whole series of ifs and given circumstances thought up by him. There is no such thing as actuality on stage. And this is true even when acting events in history, as the actor still has to imagine what it would have been like and ask questions about the character, as with the bird i. e. why am I here? It is not merely about the actor learning his lines as these will give him no ideas of their thoughts, feelings or impulses. All this must be made fuller and deeper by the actor. In this creative process imagination leads the actor. When preparing a role, research therefore had to be done into every aspect of the character. Imagination helps to set up a background, setting and tone for every scene and most importantly an explanation that is crucial for an actor to realize. Stanislavski states that when creating a role, you should first gather all the materials that have a bearing on it, and supplement them with more and more imagination. For example, if I was preparing the role of Masha in Chekhovs Three Sisters, I would want to explore the thoughts and motives and explanations behind Mashas language and expression. In conjunctions with this would be the Russian culture and her standing within her family. When fully satisfied with all that only the text could tell me, imagination would be set free and I could explore her tones in certain scenes and pace. I would imagine in some scenes like her triste with Vershinin, she would be very excited in her speech but in others with Kulygin, perhaps more melancholy and slow. Then would improvisation occur when I would imagine how she would move around e. t. c. Extending the magic If allows greater opportunity for character exploration as I would investigate Mashas reactions to diverse situations. Extending my imagination to the extent that I am completely at ease within my given circumstances allows me to become more relaxed on stage in the character. The use of Emotion Memory would be a vital part of preparing for playing the role of Masha. Sincerity of emotions, feelings that seem true in the given circumstances that is what we ask of a dramatist A fundamental part of creating the role would be in making the portrayal appear realistic and believable. By drawing experienced emotions together into a kind of reservoir, actually experiencing an emotion as I am acting would add to the appearance of Masha being real. For example, when Masha argues with her sisters, she is feeling lonely, hurt and angry. On stage I would be really experiencing these emotions, but they would not necessarily stem from the same situations. That is to say, for instance, the feelings of pain would not have to be the result of my love leaving me to be with his wife. All of this linked to the idea of creating a natural character on stage, in order to step away from the unrealistic style of acting before the late 1880s. Imagination can be used to create places familiar to ourselves, or to create fantasy situations. Both are important for an actor to accomplish as often it is harder to act on something in which you have no experience and it is necessary to create a difference between pretending and believing in a role. For example, when given the scenario of cooking a meal in a kitchen, instantaneously I imagined my own kitchen and began cooking as I would there i. e. with the stove in the same place, cupboards and drawers. This was simple to believe as I know my kitchen very well and found myself nudging drawers closed and other habits that I do in my kitchen. If I were to perform in a kitchen, I would most certainly use my own imagination to aid in a realistic portrayal of one as I see it. The situations in which we were put became more and more diverse, and as my experiences in those areas diminished, I found it much harder to imagine exactly as when in my kitchen what was happening or what the surroundings were like. Feeling the emotion in these situations was harder than believing or pretending the exercise was real, as although I had felt these emotions before, they were not as intense. Therefore, imagination is key in order to recall and keep fresh past events in an actors mind so the feelings can be replicated in new circumstances when needed. Stanislavski dais, Although our feelings and emotional experiences are changeable and incapable of being grasped exactly, images are much more easily and firmly fixed in our visual memories and can be recalled at will. One scenario placed us all on a train station in Brazil and asked us to create our own characters in an environment which is unfamiliar. This was difficult to imagine the totally unfamiliar as I have never seen a station in Brazil so naturally reverted back to my local station which was more comfortable to imagine and therefore act. The character creation and hence reactions to certain situations we were given had to be in character. I found this simple to act as I imagined my own reactions to circumstances and then incorporated those into what the created character would have. This I definitely did when we were told that our younger brother had died in front of us. It was hard to portray what my exact emotions would have been, however I did find myself on the brink of tears as undoubtedly I would be. As I have a younger brother, I found that the idea of his loss left me with intense emotions, however, if I were an only child I think it would have been harder to visualise such a feeling. The use of imagination and the magic if to create these circumstances and add emotions and detail to a play or sketch were highlighted greatly here. Concentration and attention helps the actor become completely absorbed in his work and therefore to forget the audience and other distractions, conquering their fear of the black hole of the auditorium. Concentration is helped greatly by imagination, belief magic if. If an actor can imagine completely that he is a certain character and become solely involved in it, it will seem as though nothing else is around. What is a performance will no longer seem so, and the actors attention remains fixed on what he is doing. The magnet of the audience is more powerful than many imagine. I myself know how fear of being ridiculed has made me more contained in my emotion when performing to others. When faced with an entire theatre full of people, watching your every move and prepared to criticise, it is no wonder that some find it hard to concentrate on their acting. As Stanislavski said, In order to get away from the auditorium you must be interested in something on the stage, be this the perfo rmance, your character, or point on your colleagues face. Whatever it is, an actor must have a point of attention not in the auditorium in order to not be sucked into the black hole. Even simple acts can become forced or strained when repeated on stage in front of hundreds of people so for an actor, it is necessary to learn how to walk or talk without the self-conscious nature we are all born with, or wondering why is that person looking at me? Therefore, when next on stage, it was seem more of a normality to be there oppose to in the general public. However, in performances, actors act together not alone. Stanislavski was aware that many performers tend to stop acting, or lose their concentration when they are not the main characters in a scene or when someone else is talking. Such performers make a great effort when they are speaking but not when they are listening. This tendency destroys the through line and causes the performer to move into and out of a role. That, in turn, weakens the sense of the ensemble the playing together of all the performers. Therefore, concentration is about what is happening on stage also, not only to overcome audience fear. Therefore, when preparing and rehearsing a role, an actor must become concentrated on being attentive to an object on stage and forgetting the auditorium/audience. However, there is a danger of becoming too concentrated on an object and therefore losing the realistic appearance on stage. Letting your attention wander around stage is more realistic than a singular stare. Stanislavski referred to the extent or range of concentration as a circle of attention. This circle of attention can be compared to a circle of light on a darkened stage. The performer should begin with the idea that it is a small, tight, circle including only himself or herself and perhaps one other person or one piece of furniture. When the performer has established a strong circle of attention, he or she can enlarge the circle outward to include the entire stage area. In this way performers will stop worrying about the audience and lose their self-consciousness. As a result, concentration can help and actor to overcome fear of the audience, and as such make their performance more realistic. Perhaps in Three Sisters the piano would be good to let your attention wander upon, or out of the placed window. Especially for Irina who in the first Act is very nostalgic, concentration and attention would be crucial to have. Irina is supposed to look far-away and lost in her own thoughts, so if I was playing her, I would be pausing upon objects to examine before turning my attention to something else. Concentration can make the actor seem more relaxed and therefore the character will be played more freely. In conclusion, imagination and concentration/attention can greatly aid the preparation of a role. Together, they make the outward behaviour of the performer gestures, voice, and the rhythm of movements- natural and convincing. The actor conveys the goals and objectives-the inner needs of a character. Even if all the visible manifestations of a character are mastered, a performance will appear superficial and mechanical without a deep sense of conviction and belief. The life of the character onstage is made not only dynamic but continuous. Some performers tend to emphasize only the high points of a part; in between, the life of the character stops. In real life, however, people do not stop living. Imagination greatly helps the character to be continuous in conjunction with the magic if. Lastly they help to develop a strong sense of ensemble playing with other performers in a scene, and the interactions between them as all actins onstage have a purpose. The self-consciousness becomes lost and a more realistic portrayal of a character can be set free.