Monday, December 30, 2019

Book Review Ok, Cut The Deck - 2566 Words

â€Å"OK, cut the deck.† Codee’s mother said as she slid the cards to him. He stifled a sigh. Tarot readings had always seemed a ludicrous act to him, but he felt his mother’s tarot readings had an especially ludicrous quality to them. He had no issue with humouring her, but he found it hard to take her seriously. It wasn’t just the fact that she was obviously stoned: the hoppy smell of weed was discernible through the smell of incense, and Mother’s eyeballs were lined with a warm, blood-red glow. But more than that, what made it really difficult for Codee to take her seriously was the fact that, sitting opposite him at the small table, she painted a perfect picture of every cliche of a gypsy fortune teller. Her locks of hair, falling to her†¦show more content†¦Her little baby was going out to sea with big brother Dane, and she was going to do whatever she could to stop that from happening. Never mind the fact her little baby was a grown m an of twenty-four years, and therefore more than capable of making his own decisions. Never mind the fact that big brother Dane was an incredibly experienced skipper and had never lost a crewman. Mum didn’t understand the way a tuna tow works, the way diving or working on a boat works, and so she assumed the worst. Having said that, though, Codee knew he didn’t understand any of it either. He’d done plenty of diving, sure, but that had only been for fun. This was going to be a genuine hard slog. Dane had made that fact abundantly clear when Codee had called him out of the blue a month ago. He’d made that clear alright, but very little else. And so Codee knew next to nothing about what he was getting himself into. But he didn’t fear it, not like his mother clearly did. Not yet, anyway. â€Å"We’ll conduct this reading in three cards,† Mother said, red eyes wide and full of flame. â€Å"In order, they will represent the beginning, middle, and end of your time on the job. This first card represents the beginning of your journey.† She smiled a knowing smile and gestured to the deck. Codee took his cue and turned the top card over, placing it in the middle of the table. Mother and Son stared together at the card, she with a look of desperateShow MoreRelatedNetflix Invented Hr4567 Words   |  19 PagesMcCord S heryl Sandberg has called it one of the most important documents ever to come out of Silicon Valley. It’s been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. But when Reed Hastings and I (along with some colleagues) wrote a PowerPoint deck explaining how we shaped the culture and motivated performance at Netflix, where Hastings is CEO and I was chief talent officer from 1998 to 2012, we had no idea it would go viral. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

George Washington, John Adams, And Thomas Jefferson

George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Not only is this a list of US Presidents but it is also a list of three of the most well-known Founding Fathers. Yes, they have their reasons to be because each one of them have numerous achievements and have accomplished many things that others have not. But one Founding Father often over looked, and not just because he stands five feet four inches tall, is James Madison. With all due respect, James Madison has accomplishments that stand just as well against the test of time. James Madison to me is one of the most important Founding Fathers. Please allow me to explain why I chose Mr. James Madison, the background and upbringing of him, some of his most notable contributions to the Unites States and why those contributions are still important today. The reason I chose James Madison over the rest of the Founding Fathers is because I believe he isn’t as well-known as he should be and with that being said, would like to inform you about him. Madison has accomplished many great things in his life that have had an effect on the United States as we know it today. Undoubtedly the biggest contribution that Madison made to the United States of America was the he was the author of the draft that was used to create the Constitution and without the constitution there really wouldn’t be a frame of government. Another reason I chose James Madison is because he fought for religious freedom, believing it was an individual’s right fromShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of The Declaration Of Independence1486 Words   |  6 Pagesstrong and independent men who were interested in the future of the country and its ability to stand on its own. 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John Adams which was theRead MoreThe First Five Presidents Of The United States Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pagestheir names were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. The president I think that impacted the U.S the most was George Washington who was in office for eight years (1789-1797). George Washington who was the commander in chief and led the army in the Revolutionary War and gained freedom from Great Britain at that time there was thirteen colonies in the United States. In 1783 George Washington signed a peace treaty with Great Britain. John Adams which was theRead MoreThe Bloodless Revolution Of 18001666 Words   |  7 Pagesyears before 1800 to the Neutrality Proclamation, the John Jay Treaty, X Y Z Affair, and the Quasi War. George Washington, in his second term of office, issued the Neutrality Proclamation in an attempt to ease the tension and conflict with Britain caused by The French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson, being so disgusted with Washington s policies, resigned his secretarial position in May of 1793, when the proclamation was announced. Despite Washington s attempt to fix the conflict, British ships continuedRead MoreAnalyze the contributions of Washing and Jefferson in helping establish a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution.1448 Words   |  6 PagesIn 1789 George Washington was elected as the First President of the United States of America under the Constitution. In the following years after George Washingtons administration was John Adams and succeeding him was the Third President of the United States Thomas Jefferson. George Washington and Thomas Jeffersons administrations contributed to establishing a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution. They str engthened the national government by passing important legislature, peacefulRead MoreCal Essay1005 Words   |  5 Pagesessential key in clients table and an outside key in the requests table: customer_id first_name last_name email address city state zipcode 1 George Washington 3200 Mt Vernon Hwy Mount Vernon VA 22121 2 John Adams 1250 Hancock St Quincy MA 02169 3 Thomas Jefferson 931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy Charlottesville VA 22902 4 James Madison 11350 Constitution Hwy Orange VA 22960 5 James Monroe 2050 James MonroeRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The Second President Of The United States Of America1656 Words   |  7 PagesThomas Jefferson, writer of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States of America, was born on April 13, 1743. The future president was born to the parents of Peter Jefferson, a well-known and successful planter, and Jane Randolph, a prominent member of a very well-known and distinguished Virginian family. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. Free Essays

Action Plan: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. Energy Beverages Action Plan: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. Energy Beverages Inhoud Introduction. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3 Analysis. 3 The Market. 3 Competitors. 4 Customer behaviour. 4 Marketing Mix 4ps. 5 Product. 5 Place. 5 Price. 5 Promotion. 5 Recommendation. 6 Target Market. 6 Product Line and Positioning. 6 Marketing. 6 Advertisements and Promotion. 6 Pricing. 7 Introduction The history of Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. is very complex, but all started when Jean Jacob Schweppe invented the world’s very first carbonated mineral water in 1783. A young pharmacist, Charles Alderton from Waco, Texas made Dr Pepper in 1885. It was only sold in the pharmacy where Alderton worked. In 1970 in the New York -region health food store owners invented a new apple soda, Snapple. The Unadulterated Food Corporation owned Snapple and later it becomes Snapple Beverage Corp. Within the years companies were growing and ownerships have been changed and Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. has formed from different beverage companies. Today Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. is one of the most known and largest non-alcoholic beverage producers in the U. S. Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. is in both the flavoured carbonated and the non-carbonated soft drink businesses. The most known brands are Dr Pepper, 7UP, AW and Canada Dry. In 2007 Dr Pepper Snapple had an 18, 8 % share of the U. S. carbonated soft drink market segment. Dr Pepper Snapple was the only big non-alcoholic beverage company without its own energy drink in 2008. Basically Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. was struggling with a problem whether it should produce its own energy beverage or not. The main issue was would the launch of a new energy beverage be profitable and a wise investment for the future? Moreover, how can the new energy drink compete with other huge brands? There are several difficulties and elements to evaluate before entering the energy beverage market, such as the market itself, competitors, consumer behaviour and marketing. Analysis The Market The energy beverage market is one of the fastest growing and most innovative segments of the current beverage market. Red Bull, Monster Energy, Rockstar and hundreds of similar positioned brands had estimated sales of 6. billion dollars in 2006. From 2001 till 2006 the annual growth rate of the energy beverage market was 42. 5%. However, analysts are now projecting an average annual growth rate of 10. 5% from 2007 till 2010. This, we conclude, is due to market maturity, increased price and increased competition. In addition, one should also note that consumers in this market only choose up to 1. 4 different brand s, which tells us the market is very loyal to existing brands. If a brand can build and maintain a sufficient customer base, they will benefit from loyal recurring buyers. The difficult part however is getting these loyal customers. Due to the above mentioned conditions, we find it a viable statement to describe the energy beverage market as profitable but tough. The market can be segmented through three main attributes; demographic, geographic and psychographic. As for demographic, the most profitable customers are male between the age of 12 and 34. However, we can’t say anything towards the income level, race and ethnicity of the consumers due to lack of information. We further believe that energy beverages are mostly onsumed in urban and suburban areas. If we in turn look at regions, we can state that the main consumption of energy beverages takes place along the west and east coast of the US. Psychographic segmentation shows us that the main parts of the market, the greatest consumers of energy beverages, are gamers, students and athletes. These groups of people look for an energy boost, to improve mental alertness, as refreshment and for th e taste. Competitors The main competitor in the energy beverage market is Red Bull. The brand was introduced in 1997 and was the pioneer of its time. Red Bull has a high brand awareness due to its massive advertising efforts. For example: Red Bull Stratos  was a  space diving  project involving  Austrian  skydiver  Felix Baumgartner. Baumgartner broke the  sound barrier  on his descent,  thus becoming the first human to do so without any form of engine power. Eight million people viewed the Red Bull Stratos project live and hundreds of millions of people heard about it via every kind of media creating a massive publicity flow towards Red Bull. Currently Red Bull is the market leader, however, due to high prices and the increased competition Red Bull is losing market share and sales. Hansen Natural Corporation (HNC) is another strong competitor. They produce and manufacture a wide variety of non-alcoholic beverages in the U. S. However they are known for their energy drink: Monster, which we see as one of the most promising new energy drink brands. Recently HNC have benefited from distribution agreements. For example: Anheuser-Busch wholesalers distributed the brand to retailers in different territories in the US in 2007. They also distribute to on-premise retailers. This includes bars, nightclubs and restaurants in territories selected by Hansen Natural Cooperation. Furthermore, Monster Energy focuses on a specific age group. They focus on gamers, Extreme Sports enthusiasts and the hip-hip crowd. This enables them a huge market, mostly with the gaming community. The last prominent competitor is Rockstar Inc. Rockstar was introduced in 2001 and is distributed by the Coca-Cola Company. Rockstar, alike Monster, focuses its efforts on the gaming and extreme sports community. As of 2008 Rockstar holds a 14% market share in the US and thus, it must be considered to be a competitor. Customer behaviour The heavy user of energy beverages can be described as male between the ages of 12 and 34. According to statistics, the average American would consume about 4. 32 litre of energy drink a month. The beverages are primarily consumed in the late afternoon and early in the morning. Most frequently, consumption takes place at home, in the car and at work/school. We can also state that convenience stores and supermarkets are the most dominant off-premises retail channel for energy beverages. The major reasons for the use of energy beverages are the need of an energy boost, for improving mental alertness, as refreshment and for taste. As previously stated, customers are loyal towards their brand though we still believe people will be willing to try a new product if it seems interesting and appealing enough. If the potential buyer is then satisfied with the product, through for example interesting brand, product fits their needs, is user-friendly and easy to access, loyal customers can be attained. Marketing Mix – The 4Ps Product The product is an energy drink which tastes good and gives a boost and refreshment to its users. The main ingredients which give the boost and taste are caffeine, guarana and taurine. Probably stevia could be used as a sweetener; because it differs from competitors sweeteners. The product should be suitable for men who are 12-34 years old. The package should be convenient, for example a bottle with a screw cap since no other brand has such packaging. Also the size of the package is very important, since the 8. 3-ounze is the most popular but 16-ounze size represents 50 % sales in convenience stores. Place Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. bottling and distribution system supplies both off-premise and on- premise retailers, but off-premise retailers are more potential and efficient to the new energy beverage. Off-premise retailers contain massive part of the whole energy beverage sales. Price 2, 00$ per single-serve package is the normal retail price in the energy beverage industry regardless of package size. Promotion In order to launch the new energy beverage, introductory media advertising and promotion expenditures are essential. Even though Dr Pepper Snapple Group can’t afford the same kind of expensive marketing and sport sponsorships as their competitor Red Bull does, but by using efficient channels the new energy drink can still reach potential customers. Recommendation Target Market When Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. decides to introduce a new energy beverage on the market we recommend them to focus on male consumers between the age of 12 and 34. These consumers are, according to the statistics, the most profitable. They consume about 4. 32 litres of energy drink a month. The main consumers in this target market would be gamers, students and athletes. Furthermore, we recommend that Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. should focus on consumers that consume their energy beverage at home. We believe it is now very difficult to get a stronghold in on-premises as they are very loyal towards Red Bull and Monster energy drinks and therefore advise to focus on off-premises for selling the energy beverage. Product Line and Positioning When it comes down to the product line of Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. nergy beverages, we recommend they should firstly offer one flavour of energy beverage. This flavour can come both in a regular and sugar-free version. Furthermore, we recommend they should introduce a single-serve aluminium bottle shape with a resealable screw cap. By introducing this bottle we believe Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. can diversify from its competitors as they all have aluminium cans that upon opening can’t be closed. Furthermore, these bottles s hould be offered as a single serve to the consumers and with a 8-ounce content. We recommend that the brand should firstly get a stronghold onto the energy beverage market before offering multipacks and maybe even bigger sized bottles to its consumers. This also includes for introducing different kinds of energy beverages. These can be introduced onto the market when they have a build a strong and loyal brand. The current brands offer its consumers â€Å"Energy† and â€Å"Mental Alertness† as benefits for drinking their energy beverages. As a competitive advantage Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. could offer an increased amount of caffeine, herbs and B vitamins per 8-ounce servings. Marketing Advertisements and Promotion In order to launch the new energy beverage, an introductory media advertising and promotion expenditures are essential. Even though Dr Pepper Snapple Group can’t afford the same kind of expensive marketing and sport sponsorships as their competitor Red Bull does but by using efficient channels the new energy drink can reach the potential customers. We recommend the use of social media like Facebook and Twitter. Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. has a free way to communicate with their potential consumers via social media. They have the opportunity to start contest and create a loyal group of followers. Furthermore, we recommend Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. to sponsor events to gain higher brand recognition. Moreover, the bottle is an interesting way of getting the attention by having contest if they buy the bottle they can win tickets to a certain event which they could sponsor. Pricing When it comes down to pricing we recommend to be in the $2. 00 range. This price is offered by most of its competitors and is a price consumers are willing to pay for an energy beverage. However, we also think there is a possibility to have discounts or: â€Å"buy three bottles get one free† pricing to get the attention of the consumer. We also recommend tosee if an agreement can be made with large retailers such as Walmart to offer value packs at lower prices, this of course when the brand is settled in the market. In the end we believe that if Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. follows these recommendations here above they have will have an energy beverage that can compete in the current energy beverage market and be one of the main competitors due to its diversified product- and price offering. References Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. [ 2 ]. Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. [ 3 ]. Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. Exhibit 2. [ 4 ]. Kerin, R. Peterson R. (2013). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. Pearson. Exhibit 2. How to cite Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc., Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Source-Based Questions on Ussr Weakness After World War One free essay sample

Source A’s purpose if to inform the Reichstag of the USSR’s weakness and needs in economic aid. Dr Walter Simon is paying respects to the Soviet Republic, hence giving a positive view on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 2) The treaty of Rapallo had enormous benefits for both Russia and Germany. According to source B, some reasons for this entente would have been to compensate the war and civilian damages; indeed, this treaty permitted both countries to get back on their feet military, politically and economically. This contrasts with the reasons cited in source A, where it seems more in an act of pity for Russia that Germany sign the treaty, in fact, in source A, Russia is considered a weak state that needs aid, whereas in sources B and D, Russia is viewed as equally weak military and economically where they shall co-operate in a spirit of mutual goodwill in meeting the economic need of both countries. We will write a custom essay sample on Source-Based Questions on Ussr Weakness After World War One or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In source B the approach to the treaty is much more peaceful and strategically effective directly on the economy and the politics, which opposes source D who has a much more aggressive outcome to the settlement. Indeed, in source D, the agreement is concentrated on the issue of Poland, which both countries seem to be opposed against, and where a reason for the signing of the treaty is made out of hatred against Poland and how it weakens both countries. Sources D and A share a common opinion on the inferiority of Russia to Germany, as source D cites that Germany will create in Russia an armaments industry made to serve the Reich. 3) Source C’s origin is an extract from a letter from Chicherin to the French foreign minister on the treaty of Rapallo on the 29th of April 1922. The purpose of this letter was clearly to let the French government know that the treaty of Rapallo had no secret intentions against the French. The value of this source for historians would be its connectivity with the moment in history when it was recorded and the actual point of view of one of the players of European history. The fact that it is such a major component of the time – Chicherin – that writes the letter gives this historic letter an even greater deal of importance, for he had personal experience and direct views on what was happening at that time. However the limitation in this letter is that it may as well be untrue facts he is stating but only his personal opinion and viewpoint. Considering the relationship between the reader and writer, prejudices and cultural standpoints of the author are to be questioned. The origin of source D is one of the proposals to partition Poland to the Reichswehr leaders after the Treaty of Rapallo by General Von Seeckt on September 11th 1922. The purpose of this proposal is to express a negative viewpoint on the elevation of Poland as an independent country. The speaker is clearly trying to convince his audience teaming up with Russia to eliminate Poland. The value of a document like this for historians is that it provides and indication of the nature of some feelings against Poland from the Germans, as the facts that are stated in the source are justified and make sense, it would probably be shared with the public. Thus enhancing the value of knowledge in international relations at that time, providing an intimate glimpse into these relations. However the limitation is of course the fact that this opinion might be false and completely unshared with the public, molded around personal hatred and opinion. 4) Russia and Germany had both been undermined from the treaty of Versailles, with Germany being an enemy of the powers of the league of Nations and Russia haven gotten out of the war before its end, both had had disastrous consequences due to the treaty of Versailles. In the early 1920s Germany was interested in signing a treaty with the Soviet Union to enhance political, economic and military expansion and to prevent any more threat from the Polish Republic. Poland was apparently France’s vassal and with its emergence, took some land away from both Germany and Russia, hence invigorating hatred from its neighbors. This tension between the small state and the two major powers continued and menaced the peace settlement that was supposed to be implemented by all nations according to the treaty of Versailles. Germany wanted to rearm the Reichswehr and this went against the articles settled in the Treaty of Versailles, which is why Germany and the Soviet Union secretly settled some points of the Rapallo treaty underground, such as the land the USSR allocated for German military training. This went against the treaty of Versailles because it stated that Germany was only allowed 100,000 trained military soldiers. Here are two issues that transgress the Treaty of Berlin, indeed with the treaty of Rapallo came an empowering of Germany and Russia, which was what Versailles settlements were looking to diminish. In fact for France the treaty of Rapallo greatly weakened the chances of isolating Germany, which now informally allied with Russia. This meant that the whole Geo-political settlement created with the emergence of the small states such as Poland was threatened because they were now surrounded with two major powers that were helping each other out economically, politically and military. The impact of Rapallo on the small states was that two major powers that hated the new emergences of these newly independent nations were now allied together with hatred. This meant that if Germany and Russia recovered quickly enough (and with the new cooperative treaty this was likely) the newly made states were going to be stuck in the middle and would suffer a great deal of tensions from Germany and Russia.