Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Processes of manufacturing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Processes of manufacturing - Assignment Example 3. In casting, the grain structures are not aligned parallel to one another, but are random in alignment. In forming, the grains are aligned to one direction and are closely packed, which impacts greater strength. 4. Forging techniques used are open forging that involves heating the material and hammering it on an anvil; drop forging which involves forging material in a die using a hammer or impacting force; press forging, which involves the use of pressure to force materials into a die; roll forging, which requires the use of rollers and cold forging, which is best suited for smaller objects and involves extrusion through a die. 8. Pipe forming may be achieved through ram style bending, which involves resting the pipe at two internal points and having a rim pressing on the central axis to deform. Rotary draw bending involves drawing the pipe through stationery counter die into the required radius. Ring roll bending involves bending pipes to a large radius or circumferences. 4. Machines for bending angles include rotary-draw for tubes and pipes, push-roll machines, which accommodate roll formed and rotary –draw bends in a single operation and compression machines for heavy materials. 8. Deep drawing involves a work piece deforming in a larger dimension than its diameter. In shallow drawing, the depth of draw is much less than the smallest measurement of the opening. In flexible die, a flexible material replaces one of the dies. The method involves the use of materials such as rubber as the flexible material. 1. Injection and extrusion moulding used for small items, vacuum forming used to form thin sheets of plastic, press forming which uses positive and negative moulds with a plastic sheet between and blow moulding for bottles. 4. Advantages. It involves high speeds production, versatile in producing a wide range of products, good dimensional stability. Disadvantages. Delicate to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thunder from the Sea Essay Example for Free

Thunder from the Sea Essay The story of Joan Hiatt Harlows Thunder from the Sea (2004) revolves around a 13 year-old boy named Tom Campbell and a dog-called Thunder. Tom has been an orphaned since the age of 3, which is why he has never experience belonging in a family. On the other hand, Thunder was lost at sea during a very bad storm and it was during this time of need that Tom rescued this dog. Tom and Thunder were able to find companionship with each other. Tom experienced having a family with the Murray household and a loyal friend with Thunder. It was through these relationships that he was able to find the sense of acceptance and belongingness that he never experience in the orphanage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"No man is an island.† This line is indeed true especially when you used it in the context of this book. Tom Campbell is like anyone else also needs other people in order to make their lives complete. Almost everyone have to establish a certain connection with others in order to know more about themselves. It is through the very idea of caring for someone, being loyal to other people and most especially loving your fellow individual that one can make sense of the world. The mere idea of feeling these emotions makes a person realized that he or she is indeed a human being that is capable of giving a part of his or her life to other people and sometimes that is what it takes for a life to be meaningful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This heart-warming story emphasizes the importance of finding lifes meaning through the influence and aid of others. Someone does not have to be a dog-lover in order to appreciate and see the lessons underlying this book. It approaches the idea of loneliness, loyalty, and love in a way that almost all people could relate to. Harlow succeeded in writing a piece of literature that tackles an important aspect of a persons life especially during this present time that the society is taking for granted how essential it is to establish meaningful and long-lasting relationships.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thunder from the Sea is a good read that will take its readers to an exciting journey of finding lifes meaning. It will also invokes its readers to re-think and re-assess the relationships that they have or need to have as well as their over all outlook about their lives. Reference Harlow, J. H. (2004). Thunder from the Sea. U.S.A: Simon and Schuster Childrens Publishing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The American Renaissance Essay -- American Renaissance Literary Master

The American Renaissance period, circa 1876-1917, heralded a new sense of nationalism with a pride linking to a spirit akin to Greek democracy, the rule of Roman law, and a cultural and educational reform movement often referred to as Renaissance humanism. This American nationalism focused on the expression of modernism, technology, and academic classicism. Renaissance technological advancements include wire cables supporting the Brooklyn Bridge in the State of New York, along with cultural advancements found in the Prairie School houses, Beaux-Arts Institute of Design in architecture and sculpture. The political heir of American nationalism evolved with the Gilded Age and New Imperialism school of thought. The American Renaissance produced major influential literary works from some of the most brilliant minds in U.S. history, including Ralph Waldo Emerson's the "Representative Man (1850)", Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlett Letter (1850)" and "The House of Seven Gables (1851)," Her man Melville's "Moby-Dick," Henry David Thoreau's "Walden (1854)," and Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass (1855)." American Renaissance Literary Masterpieces The American Renaissance, a literary and cultural period circa extending from 1820 to the mid-1860s, gained inspiration from the unresolved issues of the American Revolution. The American Renaissance literary style was coined as "Romanticism," an international philosophical movement that redefined the perceptions of Western cultures, and seldom refers to the preconceived notions of love. Some important authors arising out of this era include: James Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Jacobs, Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Edgar Allen Poe, and Herman Melvill... ...nt known as Transcendentalism and its impact on the American Renaissance. Apocalyptic and Utopian Society: A symbolic presentation of post-apocalyptic America and the utopian society. Romanticism: Musical Composition: Course material covering the musical composition of the Romantic period, also known as the American Renaissance. The American Renaissance period brought about major cultural, social, political, and philosophical change. Pioneers who stood for the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, expansion, and literary experimentalism challenged and withstood opposition to those comfortable with the old social order. These developments continue to influence our society today, despite overcoming major obstacles within the last century. Only we can take advantage of present opportunities to influence and bring about positive change for future generations.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Engagement with China: A Smithian Perspective :: Adam Smith Economics Essays

China seems to have been long stationary, and had probably long ago acquired that full complement of riches which is consistent with the nature of its laws and institutions. But this complement may be much inferior to what, with other laws and institutions, the nature of its soil, climate, and situation might admit of. A country which neglects or despises foreign commerce, and which admits the vessels of foreign nations into one or of its ports only, cannot transact the same quantity of business which it might do with different laws and institutions. Adam Smith, The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Book I, Chapter IX Introduction In today's post-Cold War world, U.S. foreign policy faces a plethora of uncertainties in the economic, social and political spheres. With the geopolitical order currently reduced to one major superpower, the new order is still quite amorphous. For such reasons, politicians, economists, military strategists and others in Washington have sought to answer the question, "Is there any particular country that has the potential to rise to the level of a regional, or even global, hegemon in the 21st century?" Evidence suggests so, and the country that has placed itself on the path of fulfilling that prophecy is the People's Republic of China. A 1994 World Bank study showed in 1980, the PRC accounted for only 3.6% of the world's gross domestic product and 0.8 % of its exports of manufactured goods. It estimates that, by 2010, the PRC could account for 15.5% of the world's GDP and 6.4% of its exports of manufactured goods (O’Quinn, 1997). Clearly, China is poised to assert much more influence on world affairs in the coming century. For this reason, foreign policy towards China has been debated under the realm of two distinct policies, engagement and containment. Engagement seeks to encourage China’s involvement in multilateral agreements and its membership in international organizations as a means of promote Beijing’s respect and adherence to international norms. Containment, on the other hand, adopts a more defensive approach. Its advocates point to the security risks inherent in accepting China into the international community. The policy proposes counterbalancing China in a method similar to that used with Russia during the Cold War. The challenge for the United States is to examine these two policies and determine which will be most effective in promoting U.S. interests vis-Ã  -vis an emerging China. In searching for answers, this paper will utilize arguments from a variety of scholars, most notably the famed economist Adam Smith, in an effort to focus on the strategy of engagement with the People's Republic of China.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


If was to buy the list I would sale contact method that I would use would be contacting them in person, although it would be time consuming and expensive, I would want them to see me and know that I am serious about business. I would be able to directly answer any questions that they might have and it is always good to put a face to someone wanting to do business. Cold calling assumes sales people will be successful If they can reach the right person In an organization. I do not think that cold calling should be used but It Is the only way that some can get through.Cold calling focuses on getting past the middle people. A person who calls Like this tries to let the buyer know why they should make a purchase decision right now. They can create a negative experience. I know that I do not Like when people call me and push me to buy something. Many people are so often hit with advertising messages from TV, newspapers, magazines and it is hard to get their attention. Direct mall can help build relationships between you and whomever you are trying to reach.It is more personal because you can say what you want and have time to put your thoughts together and express whatever it is you need to and is also cost efficient. Most consumers are receptive to direct mail. Yes, I consider sending these contacts unsolicited emails spam. Most of us get spam every day, ranging from a little to a lot, but if you have an e-mail account it is always there. It is frustrating when you open your business email and before you can respond to your customers or email your suppliers, you have spam. I feel that it is just a way for people to try to get you to buy into something, Spam is of no importance to me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Attention Essays

What did Stanislavski mean by Imagination and Concentration/Attention Essays What did Stanislavski mean by Imagination and Concentration/Attention Paper What did Stanislavski mean by Imagination and Concentration/Attention Paper Stanislavski, referred to by many in the world of theatre as the dominant influence on actor training today, had many views and techniques he believed were necessary for an actor to feel or follow in order to be fully prepared for a role. All of these ideas and approaches to acting were directly part of the Stanislavski system. Imagination was key in his system in order to turn the play into a theatrical reality through invention. In conjunction with the magic if which can be interpreted as belief. For example, if this piece of paper was really an injured bird, then what would it look like? How would it feel? Why is it injured? It leads the actor to create details and facts about a certain object or character, which in turn make the situation easier to believe in. Personally when doing this exercise and watching as the bird was passed around the room, each person adding more detail to the situation, my belief in the bird heightened and I became more involved in the situation. Sympathy was evoked for the bird by one girl, showing that the exercise was working for many of us. Every new fact acted as a fixation to the imagination and intensified out belief. The If is magic because it gives the imagination that stimulatory nudge which will excite the actor into action. What was interesting was that before we were told exactly what the piece of paper was, the group thought that we were going to have to imagine something for ourselves, which would have been a lot harder. This showed me that I found it easier working with a preconceived idea, oppose to creating myself and entirely new one. For me, this meant that although I began to believe in the bird, perhaps imagining situations is not as easy as one may think, which is why circumstances and the magic if help a lot when imagining a situation. In An Actor Prepares, Stanislavski sets this out perfectly with I am I; but if I were and old oak tree, set in certain surrounding conditions, what would I do? In the preparation of a role this is crucial. In order to establish the realistic style of acting Stanislavski wanted to achieve, an actor must draw upon the realistic reactions of himself, and incorporate them into the role. Not only will this add to the depth of the character, it will make the audience relate more to the character. By asking questions about the role, it becomes explored until the actor knows and can understand why his character reacts in certain ways, or why he is there, how he came to be there etc. Therefore, the role becomes believed rather than pretended; the actor becomes the character. As Stanislavski said, parts in the play are the invention of the authors imagination, a whole series of ifs and given circumstances thought up by him. There is no such thing as actuality on stage. And this is true even when acting events in history, as the actor still has to imagine what it would have been like and ask questions about the character, as with the bird i. e. why am I here? It is not merely about the actor learning his lines as these will give him no ideas of their thoughts, feelings or impulses. All this must be made fuller and deeper by the actor. In this creative process imagination leads the actor. When preparing a role, research therefore had to be done into every aspect of the character. Imagination helps to set up a background, setting and tone for every scene and most importantly an explanation that is crucial for an actor to realize. Stanislavski states that when creating a role, you should first gather all the materials that have a bearing on it, and supplement them with more and more imagination. For example, if I was preparing the role of Masha in Chekhovs Three Sisters, I would want to explore the thoughts and motives and explanations behind Mashas language and expression. In conjunctions with this would be the Russian culture and her standing within her family. When fully satisfied with all that only the text could tell me, imagination would be set free and I could explore her tones in certain scenes and pace. I would imagine in some scenes like her triste with Vershinin, she would be very excited in her speech but in others with Kulygin, perhaps more melancholy and slow. Then would improvisation occur when I would imagine how she would move around e. t. c. Extending the magic If allows greater opportunity for character exploration as I would investigate Mashas reactions to diverse situations. Extending my imagination to the extent that I am completely at ease within my given circumstances allows me to become more relaxed on stage in the character. The use of Emotion Memory would be a vital part of preparing for playing the role of Masha. Sincerity of emotions, feelings that seem true in the given circumstances that is what we ask of a dramatist A fundamental part of creating the role would be in making the portrayal appear realistic and believable. By drawing experienced emotions together into a kind of reservoir, actually experiencing an emotion as I am acting would add to the appearance of Masha being real. For example, when Masha argues with her sisters, she is feeling lonely, hurt and angry. On stage I would be really experiencing these emotions, but they would not necessarily stem from the same situations. That is to say, for instance, the feelings of pain would not have to be the result of my love leaving me to be with his wife. All of this linked to the idea of creating a natural character on stage, in order to step away from the unrealistic style of acting before the late 1880s. Imagination can be used to create places familiar to ourselves, or to create fantasy situations. Both are important for an actor to accomplish as often it is harder to act on something in which you have no experience and it is necessary to create a difference between pretending and believing in a role. For example, when given the scenario of cooking a meal in a kitchen, instantaneously I imagined my own kitchen and began cooking as I would there i. e. with the stove in the same place, cupboards and drawers. This was simple to believe as I know my kitchen very well and found myself nudging drawers closed and other habits that I do in my kitchen. If I were to perform in a kitchen, I would most certainly use my own imagination to aid in a realistic portrayal of one as I see it. The situations in which we were put became more and more diverse, and as my experiences in those areas diminished, I found it much harder to imagine exactly as when in my kitchen what was happening or what the surroundings were like. Feeling the emotion in these situations was harder than believing or pretending the exercise was real, as although I had felt these emotions before, they were not as intense. Therefore, imagination is key in order to recall and keep fresh past events in an actors mind so the feelings can be replicated in new circumstances when needed. Stanislavski dais, Although our feelings and emotional experiences are changeable and incapable of being grasped exactly, images are much more easily and firmly fixed in our visual memories and can be recalled at will. One scenario placed us all on a train station in Brazil and asked us to create our own characters in an environment which is unfamiliar. This was difficult to imagine the totally unfamiliar as I have never seen a station in Brazil so naturally reverted back to my local station which was more comfortable to imagine and therefore act. The character creation and hence reactions to certain situations we were given had to be in character. I found this simple to act as I imagined my own reactions to circumstances and then incorporated those into what the created character would have. This I definitely did when we were told that our younger brother had died in front of us. It was hard to portray what my exact emotions would have been, however I did find myself on the brink of tears as undoubtedly I would be. As I have a younger brother, I found that the idea of his loss left me with intense emotions, however, if I were an only child I think it would have been harder to visualise such a feeling. The use of imagination and the magic if to create these circumstances and add emotions and detail to a play or sketch were highlighted greatly here. Concentration and attention helps the actor become completely absorbed in his work and therefore to forget the audience and other distractions, conquering their fear of the black hole of the auditorium. Concentration is helped greatly by imagination, belief magic if. If an actor can imagine completely that he is a certain character and become solely involved in it, it will seem as though nothing else is around. What is a performance will no longer seem so, and the actors attention remains fixed on what he is doing. The magnet of the audience is more powerful than many imagine. I myself know how fear of being ridiculed has made me more contained in my emotion when performing to others. When faced with an entire theatre full of people, watching your every move and prepared to criticise, it is no wonder that some find it hard to concentrate on their acting. As Stanislavski said, In order to get away from the auditorium you must be interested in something on the stage, be this the perfo rmance, your character, or point on your colleagues face. Whatever it is, an actor must have a point of attention not in the auditorium in order to not be sucked into the black hole. Even simple acts can become forced or strained when repeated on stage in front of hundreds of people so for an actor, it is necessary to learn how to walk or talk without the self-conscious nature we are all born with, or wondering why is that person looking at me? Therefore, when next on stage, it was seem more of a normality to be there oppose to in the general public. However, in performances, actors act together not alone. Stanislavski was aware that many performers tend to stop acting, or lose their concentration when they are not the main characters in a scene or when someone else is talking. Such performers make a great effort when they are speaking but not when they are listening. This tendency destroys the through line and causes the performer to move into and out of a role. That, in turn, weakens the sense of the ensemble the playing together of all the performers. Therefore, concentration is about what is happening on stage also, not only to overcome audience fear. Therefore, when preparing and rehearsing a role, an actor must become concentrated on being attentive to an object on stage and forgetting the auditorium/audience. However, there is a danger of becoming too concentrated on an object and therefore losing the realistic appearance on stage. Letting your attention wander around stage is more realistic than a singular stare. Stanislavski referred to the extent or range of concentration as a circle of attention. This circle of attention can be compared to a circle of light on a darkened stage. The performer should begin with the idea that it is a small, tight, circle including only himself or herself and perhaps one other person or one piece of furniture. When the performer has established a strong circle of attention, he or she can enlarge the circle outward to include the entire stage area. In this way performers will stop worrying about the audience and lose their self-consciousness. As a result, concentration can help and actor to overcome fear of the audience, and as such make their performance more realistic. Perhaps in Three Sisters the piano would be good to let your attention wander upon, or out of the placed window. Especially for Irina who in the first Act is very nostalgic, concentration and attention would be crucial to have. Irina is supposed to look far-away and lost in her own thoughts, so if I was playing her, I would be pausing upon objects to examine before turning my attention to something else. Concentration can make the actor seem more relaxed and therefore the character will be played more freely. In conclusion, imagination and concentration/attention can greatly aid the preparation of a role. Together, they make the outward behaviour of the performer gestures, voice, and the rhythm of movements- natural and convincing. The actor conveys the goals and objectives-the inner needs of a character. Even if all the visible manifestations of a character are mastered, a performance will appear superficial and mechanical without a deep sense of conviction and belief. The life of the character onstage is made not only dynamic but continuous. Some performers tend to emphasize only the high points of a part; in between, the life of the character stops. In real life, however, people do not stop living. Imagination greatly helps the character to be continuous in conjunction with the magic if. Lastly they help to develop a strong sense of ensemble playing with other performers in a scene, and the interactions between them as all actins onstage have a purpose. The self-consciousness becomes lost and a more realistic portrayal of a character can be set free.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Preceding a Gerund with a Possessive

Preceding a Gerund with a Possessive Preceding a Gerund with a Possessive Preceding a Gerund with a Possessive By Maeve Maddox A gerund is an -ing verb form that is used as a noun. Like any other noun, a gerund can function as the subject or object of a verb, or as the object of a preposition: 1. Gardening is my favorite hobby. (noun, subject of is) 2. He likes shooting skeet. (noun, object of likes) 3. He loves to talk about hunting. (noun, object of the preposition about) 4. Do you mind my asking a question? (noun, object of mind) This post is about the use of my in the fourth example. Why precede the gerund asking with the possessive adjective my? Why not write, â€Å"Do you mind me asking a question?† In this sentence, the word asking is a gerund. A gerund is a noun. Nouns are modified by adjectives, not by other nouns or pronouns. Consider: Because some people don’t like animals, I ask a guest, â€Å"Do you mind my dog?† I wouldn’t say, â€Å"Do you mind me dog.† Ergo, I wouldn’t say, â€Å"Do you mind me asking?† That’s the reasoning and the rule. Then there’s popular usage: If you don’t mind him calling you at work, give him your business card. If you don’t mind them losing your possessions, then this is the hotel for you. You should take out the garbage without me asking. H. W. Fowler calls the construction of preceding a gerund with a noun or accusative pronoun a â€Å"fused participle† and devotes several tetchy pages to it in Modern English Usage. He illustrates the problem with three sentences: 1. Women having the vote share political power with men. (This example is grammatically correct: having is a participle modifying the subject women.) 2. Women’s having the vote reduces men’s political power. (This example is grammatically correct: having is a gerund modified by the possessive women’s.) 3. Women having the vote reduces men’s political power. (This example is ungrammatical.) Fowler points out that because the verb reduces is singular, women cannot be its subject. Yet, having can’t be the subject because that would leave women â€Å"in the air† without a grammatical function. He says the construction is a compound notion that fuses the noun women with the participle having. He calls this construction a â€Å"fused participle,† denouncing it altogether as â€Å"grammatically indefensible.† Modern grammarians still prefer preceding the gerund with a possessive in formal usage, but do not uniformly condemn the fused participle as Fowler did. A writer at a site about legal prose observes that sometimes a fused participle is the only idiomatic choice: There are exceptions–sentences in which idiom simply demands that a participle be fused, or else the sentence rewritten altogether.– Some of the exceptions cited as being accepted by â€Å"respected usage commentators† are: The likelihood of that happening is nil. He frequently felt a chance of this happening. He disapproved of politicians still in their prime writing memoirs. Blindly following the rule with these sentences would produce the following unidiomatic constructions: The likelihood of that’s happening is nil. He frequently felt a chance of this’s happening. He disapproved of politicians still in their prime’s writing memoirs. Careful writers will continue to think carefully about which word precedes a gerund in formal writing. Even in informal speech and writing, a construction like, â€Å"I hate my husband being passed over at work† is to be avoided. As the speaker does not, presumably, hate her husband, the better choice is, â€Å"I hate my husband’s being passed over at work.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?"Confused With" and "Confused About"Using "zeitgeist" Coherently

Sunday, October 20, 2019

cat vs dog essays

cat vs dog essays There comes a time in most everyones life when he or she decides to buy a pet. Some people go for the unusual and choose a bird, snake, or rodent. Most people, however, decide on the more common four-legged creatures like a dog or cat. Dogs and cats are very different animals and they have different attitudes, needs, and habits. Understanding these differences can help in the process of choosing between them. For unwavering love and loyalty, not to mention protection, a dog is the choice. Dogs will not question authority, and they will, after some training, do exactly what they are told to do. There are many species of dogs, and they come in large, medium, and small sizes. Smaller sizes like poodles and bichons for people who just need an extra friends and bigger dogs like rottweilers and mastiffs for those who are in need of further protection. Dogs require a lot of attention, and they will make sure their owners are aware of it. They need to be watched constantly and must be taken regularly for walks, because, as most owners know, a dog cannot be trained to do his business in a litter box. A dog will, however, respond instantly to his owner's every wish and will lie at or on that owner's feet anytime, anywhere. A dog is very much like a child in that it cannot be left alone in the house for too long. It will get bored easily and can, without too much effort, make your house look as if a tornado were just there. On the other hand, for ease of care, or peace and quiet, cats can be a better choice. Cats will not question authority; they wont even listen to it. There are many species of cats, but their size will generally be the same for all breeds. They will only sleep on the bed if they want to, and will sleep at whichever end they choose. Cats are quite independent, and they do not require much attention over and above regular feeding and regular cleaning of the litter box. It is a c ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chronic Kidney Disease Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chronic Kidney Disease - Research Paper Example Chronic Kidney Disease becomes evident after kidney function is extensively impaired. Identification of disease process helps people to understand its cause, modes of treatment and outcomes from treatment or failure to treat. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the disease process, major treatment strategies and their impact to the disease process, and give a Nursing Evidence-Based Practice. It will also present a case study on the disease, and present a Nursing Care Plan for the disease. Chronic Kidney Disease is a problem that occurs when a kidney function is impaired by a disease, causing damage to it. Impairment on the kidney results from some of the organs attached or related to the kidney having been affected due to other infections. Examples of the diseases commonly associated with causing kidney failure include diabetes, high blood pressure, urinary tract obstruction, and recurrent kidney infections, among others. According to Medical News Today (MNT), there are a number of factors that contribute to developing chronic kidney disease, which include; a family history of the disease, age; this disease mostly affects people over 60 years, urinary tract obstruction, kidney diseases at birth, high blood pressure, sickle cell disease and medication, among others (Nordqvist, 2013). Chronic Kidney disease affects the normal functioning of the body. According to National Kidney Foundation (NKF), the kidney is responsible for production of hormones called erythropoietin (EPO), which signals the body to make red blood cells (NKF, 2008). When one has kidney disease, the body may not be able to make EPO and this leads to reduced red blood cells which may lead to anemia. Since a combination or a group of cells of the same kind and which perform similar function makes a tissue, the effect of chronic kidney disease on cells affects formation of tissues. An arrangement of

Friday, October 18, 2019

American History Taxation Laws 1760's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American History Taxation Laws 1760's - Essay Example Nevertheless, as the law declares, the main reason for adoption is the alleged need for handling problems of the whole American continent, caused by "impending misfortunes of the British colonies on this continent" (Stamp Act). In fact the main event preceding this decision made by the Congress was the impoverishment of British economy after colonial wars with France, which turned out a strong rival. Religious issues also played their role, as the Act refers to the problems with establishing Protestantism in America. The Act clearly expresses the British attitude towards the colony: all Englishmen are recognized as free residents and taxation duties are positioned as the free will of those under British Crown, and due to the large number of target audiences, the Act emphasizes the respect for natural human rights, yet the law to great extent imposes the taxes to plantation-owners and free traders " His Majesty's liege subjects in these colonies, are entitled to all the inherent rights and liberties of his natural born subjects within the kingdom of Great-Britain" (ibid, II). Furthermore, the Act creates a kind of taxation framework and claims that high taxes will become a contribution into the wealth of Great Britain and thus the wealth of the entire English nation.

What is the main categories of Helel's argument in Part One of the Essay

What is the main categories of Helel's argument in Part One of the Philosophy of Right and how are they logically connected - Essay Example Brooks, on the other hand, identifies two great debates on the Philosophy of Right, as the work is more commonly known, namely one over its political sympathies and another on its relationship to metaphysics (2007). Thus, the first debate is thought to have arisen since the book’s first appearance, where the Philosophy of Right had been charged with â€Å"a dangerous conservatism† (Brooks, 2007) and the earliest reviews written by those Hegel had considered friends of him were nearly uniformly negative (Wood, 1991). These early attacks, however, viewed the book in relation to the immediate political situation, which may account for the reason why it was read as a blessing on the political status quo; not surprisingly, commentators and scholars in the liberal tradition followed that interpretation (Wood, 1991). The second debate, according to Brooks (2007), divided the scholarship into two camps – adherents of the â€Å"metaphysical approach to the study of Hegel’s work† and such of the â€Å"non-metaphysical approach to Hegel’s work†. Whereas the first debate, about the nature of Hegel’s political philosophy, is believed to be over, with the assertion that Hegel’s views lie in between the extremities of conservatism and liberalism, the second one has developed into an argument about â€Å"how strongly metaphysical† is Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (Brooks, 2007). This paper is intended to review Hegel’s Philosophy of Right’, namely its Part one – â€Å"Abstract Right†, in order to establish which are the main categories of Hegel’s argument and how they logically connect with each other. The paper argues that it is the philosophical method of Hegel, which holds the key to the understanding of his logic. There are two main categories of Hegel’s argument in Part One of the Philosophy of Right, as follows – the concept of ‘Abstract Right’ and the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Enhlis CASE 3 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enhlis CASE 3 - Term Paper Example Prezi is sometimes is called the zooming presentation, and it is used to create presentations that are considered more dynamic than power point. The presentation or the story is laid out in a visual canvas and the area can be changed to see more details or less detail. Power point is more flexible for some slide purposes and you can do a variety of things with it. Discussion There are certain differences between the two software, and the biggest difference is probably the non-linear nature of Prezi against the linear structure of power point. In many occasions power point remains the staple for most presentations and forms the basis for much of the visual content delivered in online presentations and trainings ( Bunzel, 2006). Let’s try a completely non-linear presenting or for teaching approach. Like having a very detailed Prezi and takes cues from your audience at which bits they want to look at: if the learners can access then you don’t have to use traditional presen tation in the beginning. Power point has linear navigation, uses slide stack layout, computer based, and has multiple printing options. Power point is more popular than Prezi which is non-linear, uses map layout, web based, and has limited printing options. Try and present your learners with Prezi to look around, you can also try and add your content. Learners will work through and take notes or use the content that they find most useful. Power point is good at creating lecture framework, visualizing content, organizing student note-taking, and explaining complex concepts and processes through charts, graphs and animations. The look of your presentation of power point software can be affected by difference in font sizes in different computers (Norwood, 2009). Prezi is a presentation that allows you to display your ideas in form of images, text, videos. Etc., by planning to them or zooming in on them. With the ability to zoom the images, Prezi also provide some tools to edit those ob jects including tools to rotate, resize, recolor, and crop them. With the high and faster technological growth in the world, the use of power point is become more unreliable compared to Prezi. In fact, (Norwood, 2009), says that, ‘power point presentation are so ubiquitous these days that the mere name of this software has become synonymous with ‘boring’ and ‘mundane’.’ Prezi being an online based becomes a more evolutional and convenient software. The use of Prezi for system upgrade is more effective and brings more impacts to the new jobs. The use of Prezi provides a wide range of presentation and is more productive nowadays than power point. Unlike power point prezi is not being affected by the difference in fonts of different computer systems. Therefore it’s more productive and easy to access. Power point is always installed in the system. That makes it difficult to share the work done with power point to other people. Being online b ased software, Prezi is an alternative for student’s lecturers, and researchers. The ease of sharing the worksheet and personal presentation via internet since it’s an online software. The use of Prezi can be highly recommended for upgrading since it is a best chance of improving income. The use of Prezi is convenient in advertising, mailing and any business related work. To improve corporate finance it’s advisable to use Prezi. Conclusion It is clearer that most people use power point than Prezi.


WESTERN CIVILIZATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (foundations of the study of human development) - Term Paper Example that have provided a logical manner of inquiry, the humanities which are an avenue of expression of the mind and aesthetic judgement, philosophy as a guiding standard with reason. At the same time, all of them will be assessed in relation as to how nature and nurture relates to the following and alters the conditioning of mind and the human activity. All of these points are the ones that shall be engaged and discussed. At the same time, these will be applied in relation to my experiences. On the other hand, as I explore the intricacies of the matters at hand in these paper, I will be providing commendable counter – arguments that can devalue the assertions made. In this case, I shall make a conflicting condition between nature and nurture to set the issue straight. I shall also provide a synthesis between the clashes that will emerge in this paper. This is important to fully emphasize the historical development and theoretical application of the developed and created notions about human nature in general and a specific sense. There will also be importance in construction assumptions in a logical manner. In this scenario, scientific and biological inquiry plays an important role to see how one acts accordingly to inherent prescriptions. In the development of knowledge in the Western World, scientific queries have been made about evolution of humans and ended proposing that evolution is a natural process (Menand 2002). This has been considered to be true and normalized in the consciousness of the people in the current time. Analytically, one develops accordingly to his or her own innate capacities that allow evolution to take place. Darwin has emphasized that evolution is something that happened to humans all throughout the course of time and of history, which inevitably true in a biological sense (Menand 2002). How is this manifested? The body itself is the one that undergoes development in all aspects possible. In my case, there is a development process that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Enhlis CASE 3 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enhlis CASE 3 - Term Paper Example Prezi is sometimes is called the zooming presentation, and it is used to create presentations that are considered more dynamic than power point. The presentation or the story is laid out in a visual canvas and the area can be changed to see more details or less detail. Power point is more flexible for some slide purposes and you can do a variety of things with it. Discussion There are certain differences between the two software, and the biggest difference is probably the non-linear nature of Prezi against the linear structure of power point. In many occasions power point remains the staple for most presentations and forms the basis for much of the visual content delivered in online presentations and trainings ( Bunzel, 2006). Let’s try a completely non-linear presenting or for teaching approach. Like having a very detailed Prezi and takes cues from your audience at which bits they want to look at: if the learners can access then you don’t have to use traditional presen tation in the beginning. Power point has linear navigation, uses slide stack layout, computer based, and has multiple printing options. Power point is more popular than Prezi which is non-linear, uses map layout, web based, and has limited printing options. Try and present your learners with Prezi to look around, you can also try and add your content. Learners will work through and take notes or use the content that they find most useful. Power point is good at creating lecture framework, visualizing content, organizing student note-taking, and explaining complex concepts and processes through charts, graphs and animations. The look of your presentation of power point software can be affected by difference in font sizes in different computers (Norwood, 2009). Prezi is a presentation that allows you to display your ideas in form of images, text, videos. Etc., by planning to them or zooming in on them. With the ability to zoom the images, Prezi also provide some tools to edit those ob jects including tools to rotate, resize, recolor, and crop them. With the high and faster technological growth in the world, the use of power point is become more unreliable compared to Prezi. In fact, (Norwood, 2009), says that, ‘power point presentation are so ubiquitous these days that the mere name of this software has become synonymous with ‘boring’ and ‘mundane’.’ Prezi being an online based becomes a more evolutional and convenient software. The use of Prezi for system upgrade is more effective and brings more impacts to the new jobs. The use of Prezi provides a wide range of presentation and is more productive nowadays than power point. Unlike power point prezi is not being affected by the difference in fonts of different computer systems. Therefore it’s more productive and easy to access. Power point is always installed in the system. That makes it difficult to share the work done with power point to other people. Being online b ased software, Prezi is an alternative for student’s lecturers, and researchers. The ease of sharing the worksheet and personal presentation via internet since it’s an online software. The use of Prezi can be highly recommended for upgrading since it is a best chance of improving income. The use of Prezi is convenient in advertising, mailing and any business related work. To improve corporate finance it’s advisable to use Prezi. Conclusion It is clearer that most people use power point than Prezi.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Critically evaluate the main ideas and theories in 'The Communist Essay

Critically evaluate the main ideas and theories in 'The Communist Manifesto' by Marx and Engels - Essay Example he communist manifesto and it implications to our modern times, let us look into the theories of capitalism and communism that served as the foundations of the manifesto. Capitalism is one of the most widely discussed theories in the Communist manifesto. Here, Marx discussed at length the effects of capitalism in relation to labor. Marx considers capitalism as a specific mode of production whereby productivity is dictated by the people who controlled the mode of production (Burnham, Peter (2003). Marx sees the "bourgeois society" as advanced form of social organization whereby the people who controls the wealth also controls production (Marx and Engels, 1948). To distinguish the value of commodities, Marx presented the idea that value of use of commodities is different from their exchange value in the market. He believed that capital is created to when one purchases commodities to create another commodity that can command a higher value in the market. According to Marx, labor becomes like any other commodity under a capitalist society in the sense that labor earns less value for its service compared to the value that the capitalist derived from labor. A good example of this scenario is a person who offers his or her service to a big manufacturing company in exchange for minimum wage. Marx argued that the difference in the value of the service rendered by the employee and the value derived by the employee from the service rendered by the employee is surplus value which the capitalist earned on the expense of labor. (Marx, 1909). Under this principle, since labor has less influence and power over production, labor is continuously exploited. All throughout the discussions in the communist manifesto, Marx struggled to present how the labor sector is exploited by reason of its status in society which gives it less bargaining powers compared to the "bourgeois". For anti-capitalists, the Communist manifesto represents the history of the struggle of the proletariat and

Capital punishment Essay Example for Free

Capital punishment Essay In every society there are laws that define what acts are considered crime. These laws also provide for the imposable penalty for their violation. The purpose of which is to maintain order within the community. Though there may not be rewards for compliance and observance with these laws, there are always punishment for their violation. Punishment is the effect of a violation of a law enacted by the duly constituted authorities of the state. Punishment can either be the payment of fine and indemnities for injuries caused. It could also be imprisonment of the individual which may last for several days or for several years or the imposition of what is considered as the ultimate form of punishment – capital punishment. This essay seeks to focus on the issue of capital punishment as the state’s response for the violation of its laws against capital crimes. Some argue against the imposition of capital punishment because it is mainly arbitrary while some argue in favor of capital punishment. I aim to discuss the arguments for and against capital punishment. In the concluding portion, I aim to take a stand on this issue. Capital Punishment Capital Punishment is defined as the execution of a convicted criminal by the state as punishment for crimes known as capital crimes or capital offences (â€Å"Capital Punishment†) It is also known as death penalty. The formal execution of individuals for violation of communal rules had always been practiced ever since the beginning of our history. Even when there were still no formal written laws, execution had always been a part of the communal justice system. This was used to regulate the behavior of the members of the community. This is usually imposed by the tribal leader against those who violate the laws of the tribe. Even in the past decades, capital punishment was still being practiced for those convicted of a particular crime. To date, capital punishment is still imposed by some countries, though fewer countries are imposing it. For those countries which still practice it, the trend today is the movement towards a less painful and more humane executions. Hanging and Guillotine which were being practiced before were gradually replaced by electrocution and gas chamber and later the lethal injection. (John J. Patrick, Richard M. Pious Donald A. Ritchie, p. 2) Arguments against Capital Punishment The main argument against capital punishment is that it is arbitrary. Perhaps, the strongest support for this argument is found in the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution which states that: â€Å"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. † It is the argument of the Abolitionists that capital punishment is tantamount to torture. It is cruel and inhuman. Further, citing Black’s Law Dictionary, they argue that capital punishment fits the definition of an arbitrary punishment since it is imposed in an unreasonable manner or it is something which is done at the pleasure, whims and caprices of the government authorities. Supporting this premise are studies which are cited by the Death Penalty Information Center. It is said that in a comprehensive study covering 20 years and thousands of capital cases in Ohio, the Associated Press found that the death penalty has been applied in an uneven and often arbitrary fashion. Offenders facing a death penalty charge for killing a white person were twice as likely to go to death row than if they had killed a black victim. Death sentences were handed down in 18% of cases where the victims were white, compared with 8. 5% of cases where victims were black. † (â€Å"Major Study Finds Arbitrary Application of Death Penalty, 2007) Arguments in Favor of Capital Punishment On the other hand, the retentionists argue that the US Supreme Court has already spoken on this issue and has already ruled on its constitutionality. As the highest court of our country, it is but proper that we give deference to their ruling. Initially, in the case of Furman v Georgia (408 US 238), the Supreme Court declared that the imposition and carrying out of the death penalty constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment. However in the latter case of Gregg v Georgia (428 US 153) the Supreme Court reversed itself and ruled that death penalty does not violate the US Constitution. It cannot be said that capital punishment is arbitrary because it is imposed only in cases of heinous crimes which are specifically defined by the legislature. It cannot be imposed for any other crime. Further, before capital punishment is finally imposed to a convicted prisoner, he must go through the usual lengthy process of prosecution and conviction. It must be stressed that even if the accused is convicted by the lower courts, once the case goes up on appeal to the United States Supreme Court the case may still be reversed if the court finds that the state fails to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, the defendant only has to instill doubt in the mind of the court to avoid capital punishment. It only goes to show that before the conviction is affirmed by the appellate court or the United States Supreme Court, they must have found strong and convincing evidence that the accused indeed has committed a heinous crime. Further, capital punishment as a penalty is imposed to all those prisoners who may be found to have committed a heinous crime. It is imposed regardless of one’s color, race, sex, financial capacity or social status. If there appears to be discrimination in its imposition, then the proper response would be to correct the error and not by abolishing the whole system of capital punishment. It cannot likewise be said that capital punishment amounts to torture or that it is cruel because any infliction of pain in capital punishment is merely incidental in carrying out the death penalty. Capital punishment does not fall within the constitutional prohibition against cruel, degrading and inhuman punishment. It may be said that anything that results in pain is cruel. But this does not that crime will go unpunished. The cruelty which the Eighth Amendment speaks of here is cruelty which is inherent in the method of punishment and not merely the suffering that is involved in any method employed to extinguish life humanely. In sum, capital punishment is not merely an act of violence imposed by the state. Rather, it is imposed by a legitimate authority based on a law passed by the Legislative Branch of our government. Capital punishment is not cruel and inhuman neither does it violate the fundamental human rights. Rather, it is the ultimate punishment for those who have severely disregarded the value of human life.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Brand Image On Fashion Clothing

Brand Image On Fashion Clothing This investigation is done to find out how brand image affects the consumer buying behaviour on clothing with a comparative study between India and U.K customers. Manufactured goods are something that is prepared in a factory; a brand is what that is purchased by a consumer. Merchandise can be imitated by an opponent; a brand is exceptional. Manufactured goods can be promptly out of date; a flourishing brand is eternal (Stephen King, WPP Group, London). Brand value has turn out to be one of the central parts of advertising area. Therefore, companies who comprehend the significance of brand value are capable to distinguish themselves in the markets. Furthermore, realizing how customers react to brands is supportive for companies to plan as well as build advertising activities. In this research both exploratory and performance monitoring research is applied. To attain general information on brand awareness and the concept of shopping centre and reading literature to increase knowledge about the subject, an exploratory research approach is utilized. A hermeneutic approach is used, since the purpose of the research is to recognize if the brand identity consents with the image that the customers have of the brand. The primary data comes from personal interviews with the students from both UK and India. These personal interviews are a good approach since the communication takes place under relaxed circumstances. The questionnaire comprises of both open ended and closed ended questions. Closed questions are selected so as to be able to measure the respondents attitudes and opened questions were used in order to attain a deeper understanding of the respondents actual perception and what they are based upon. The survey is carried out in two colleges: LSBF in UK and Stella Marys in Chennai, India Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 The importance of brand image on fashion clothing Clothing is a kind of need that aids to keep our bodies tepid. Individuals will not be able to survive with a safeguard from clothes in unfavorable circumstances and this denotes how essential clothing is for us. In this day and age, along with the fundamental tasks, clothes can also serve as style things, which can notify how important a human being is, states the position an individual possess and what their individual image is like (OCass, 2000). Therefore, clothing can help out symbolize our individual personality. A clothes shopping is one of the well-liked activity between people from all ages, diverse genders as well as educational backgrounds. Due to the propagation of clothing brands segment, customers have to capture a grave thought during the purchasing procedures. Like stated by Jaworski and Rayport (2003), the buying procedure is split into three levels, i.e. pre-buying, buying and post-buying. All the levels are of equal significance that can change the consumer buying decision. Once customers make a buying decision, they may want to identify their individual requirements, read manufactured goods facts, make a decision on where and which to buy, choose whether to buy once more from the identical seller, deciding on the purchasing methods, exhibit contentment to the merchandise or amenities excellence and finally be truthful to the brand. These stress the difficulty of purchasing procedures along with the prospective influence a brand could enforce in the middle of them. A number of br ands, under the impact of globalization and concentrated efforts from publicity by the media, have turned out to be well-liked not only in their country of origin, but as well in other markets with soaring prospective. Having a well-built and extraordinary brand image could facilitate to institute an individuality in market (Aaker, 1996), 1.2 circumstantial data of India and the UK clothing markets The apparel as well as textile business is one of the top sectors of the Indian market and the major source of overseas exchange incomes for India. This business reports for 4 % of the gross domestic product, (GDP) 20 % of manufacturing productivity, and fairly more than 30 % of export incomes. The apparel as well as textile business hires about 38 million people, making it the major basis of Indian business employment. The UK is a European country with a population of about 60 million. About its GDP development, because of its established financial arrangement, it is following a steady somewhat than destructive GDP growth rate. In totaling, the finance sector and business amenities are the most significant source of GDP (gross domestic products), putting in to almost 30% of the whole domestic goods (, 2007). 1.2.1 Indian clothing markets The population of India is 1 billion people, has a vast domestic marketplace. Indias middle class, presently expected at 200 million, is estimated to enlarge to comprise almost  ½ the countrys total population by 2006. Based on the acquiring power equivalence, India is the fourth-largest market in the earth, has the third-largest GDP in the continent of Asia, and is the second-largest economy among the emerging nations. India is as well one of the quickest developing markets of the world. Even though the disposable income of the greater part of the Indian population is low, as the Indian economy develops, more customers will possess bigger optional income for clothing and other procurements after meeting their basic requirements. Source: 1.2.2 Indians expenditure habits Expenditure habits are dissimilar for people belonging to different sections of society. For instance, people belonging to the middle-class regard basic requirements and education and expenses toward the future of their children as their top main concerns, followed by standard of living commodities. The rich class expends more on luxury merchandise and intercontinental brands. The super rich class expends on ultra luxury merchandise. It is seen that as disposable income increases, people have a preference more for branded goods, shift to processed foods, and the expenses on tobacco, beverages, food and transport and contact also rises. Indians shopping habits of are shifting owing to their growing not reusable income, comparative increase in the younger population, and the change in approaches towards shopping. The stress has altered from cost contemplation to quality, trendiness and design. The yearning to look and feel good is also guiding aspect for consumers while making their buying choices. Rising disposable income is also driving demand for customer durables and dining in restaurants among Indians. Age is also a foremost aspect that influences the spending choices of an individual. For example, people in 20-24 years age group spend more on home appliances/ electronic and movies, whereas people in the 45-48 years age group spend more on holidaying. Source: 1.2.3 Characteristics of the Indian clothing The textile industry of India is one the biggest and oldest segments in the country and amongst the most significant in the market in terms of productivity, venture and employment. The segment takes up nearly 35 million people and following agriculture, is the second-highest employer in the country. Its significance is emphasized by the fact that it reports for around 4% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), 18% of employment, 14% of industrial production, and 9% of excise collections in the industrial segment, and 16% of the countrys total exports earnings. By means of direct connections to the countryside economy and the agriculture zone, it has been expected that one of each six households in the country relies on this segment, either indirectly or directly, for its source of revenue. A vast pool of skilled and unskilled personnel, cheap labour, low import content, good export potential, and a strong raw material production base are some of the prominent aspects of the textile industry of India. This is a conventional, tough, unshakable industry, enjoying substantial demand in the domestic as well as international markets. (Source: 1.2.4 UK clothing market The UK is a European country with population of around 60 million. About its GDP growth, because of its established financial structure, it is following a steady rather than destructive GDP growth rate. In addition, the finance sector and business services are the most significant source of GDP (gross domestic products), contributing to almost 30% of the total domestic products (, 2007). The production division, comprising the clothing industry, pales in comparison with the growth of the business segment and even has an indication of recession in the current decades. This can be exposed by the steady decline of hiring rate in the UK clothing business (Jones and Hayes, 2004). 1.2.5 British expenditure habits Expenditure seems more welcome than saving amongst the British people. According to a study performed by Weekes (2004), only around 1/3 rd of female participants and less than half of the male participants convey that they have the saving habits. Amongst the participants, females are more expected to spend on clothes than males, with nearly half of female participants saying that they have no less than one store card and nearly two-thirds of them possess one or two loyalty cards. This might probably clarify why shopping is a gendered action (Dholakia, 1999; South and Spitze, 1994), and rarely, women might even shop for a mans clothing (Dholakia, 1999). Loyalty cards and Store cards are general advertising plans to implore customers faithfulness. Nevertheless, the same study denotes that store cards might not be frequently utilized although exceptional offers are frequently offered to the people who possess cards (Weekes, 2004). This may perhaps be clarified by the information that store cards sometimes have much advanced interest rates than that of the credit cards and personal loans (Mintel, 2002) 1.2.6 Characteristics of the UK clothing market Similar to most of the developed financial system, the UK clothing industry has transferred its production segment to other countries with small labor costs and trained manual labor, leaving only the design centre with tractable designers. Such shift can possibly report for the important fall in employment rate and quantity of production in the clothing segment (Jones, 2003). Nevertheless, this is discovered to obstruct the expansion of British clothing design owing to be short of production amenities (Dagworthy, as cited in Carruthers, 2004). as much as the UK fashion retail sector is apprehensive, there is a tendency for own brand growth, determined markets, tough aggressive activities, a polarized market, short-life-cycle goods, as well as variable customer demand (Marciniak and Bruce, 2004; Siddiqui et al., 2003). As stated by Moore (1995), fashion dealers have a tendency to generate product discrimination in which they can differentiate themselves from their prospective opponents in terms of manufactured goods features like design as well as cost. Even though the UK is besieged with style brands, the market is set apart by goods with small discrimination (Birtwhistle and Freathy, 1998; Moore, 1995). In addition, the selling segment is disjointed, creating of self-governing, Family- possessed businesses also some large scale chain stores, with the later one contributing to the biggest amount of market share (Easey, 2001; Marciniak and Bruce, 2004; Mintel, 2003). In contrast with other retailed segment, the fashion reta iling segment is found to integrate the biggest number of native chains for example next plc (Marciniak and Bruce, 2004). Such fact has motivated the appearance of brand name expansion in the spirited UK clothing market. 1.3 Research Questions Manufactured goods are something that is prepared in a factory; a brand is something that is purchased by a consumer. Merchandise can be imitated by an opponent; a brand is exceptional. Manufactured goods can be promptly out of date; a flourishing brand is eternal (Stephen King, WPP Group, London). Brand value has turn out to be one of the central parts of advertising area. Therefore, companies who comprehend the significance of brand value are capable to distinguish themselves in the markets. Furthermore, realising how customers react to brands is supportive for companies to plan as well as build advertising activities. Does brand image affect the consumer buying behaviour in the clothing sector? 1.4 Aim The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the effect of brand image on consumer purchasing behaviour in clothing, with the comparison between the Indian and British consumers. Having found out the relationship between brand image and consumer purchasing behaviour, marketers and practitioners could devise strategies to increase the sales revenues. Objectives To analyze that brand image has an influence on the consumer buying behaviour of clothing To prove that there are differences in buying behaviour of clothing for consumers in India and the UK To prove that Brand image builds a connection and a tough bond that grows over time. To show that Brand image denotes the excellence of the merchandise, thus giving consumers the contentment of purchasing quality things. To prove that Branding helps in developing a customer commitment. 1.5 Methodology In common, there are two types of research methods that is qualitative and quantitative research. Each one of them includes a range of approaches, which are decided on the kinds of data being gathered. Qualitative semi-structured interviews have been selected as a mean to gather data because they are found to be more suitable for seeking replies in relation to approaches, views and feelings. In addition, the sampling method was enclosed. In the course of data compilation, the mixture of expediency and quota sampling was being employed. In addition, the agenda of interview was argued with an outlook to offering some common ideas about the underlying causes for enquiring such questions. The data composed would be studied using the methods of cross-case and within-case analysis. 1.6 Theoretical framework With a recognized brand name, customers would seem to be more liable to buy the goods in much advanced costs. As far as the similar level of manufactured goods quality is apprehensive, customers would have a preference for purchasing brand-name goods (Bello and Holbrook, 1995). This fact brings out the model of brand equity. According to Aaker (1991), brand equity is mostly obtained from four elements, namely brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived brand equity plus brand associations. The theoretical framework implemented in this dissertation would be based on the theory of brand equity and the particulars of each element are to be discussed and analyzed later. 1.7 Outline of the dissertation The structure of the dissertation is shown as follows: Chapter 1 is the introductory section, containing the background information of India and the UK clothing industry, the research objectives and the dissertation outline. Chapter 2 will incorporate the review of previous studies, mainly concentrating on clothing industry and consumer buying behavior. It is believed that this chapter could provide readers with general information like theories and issues in relation to consumer buying behavior for clothes so as to make them more understandable in the forthcoming sections. Chapter 3 delineates the research methodology, focusing on the description of research design and justification of data. Chapter 4 is the core of the dissertation in which research findings are presented and discussed. Whether brand image would affect the consumer buying behavior in the clothing sector is shown and also the similarities and differences regarding the circumstances in India and the UK are investigated. Chapter 5 would draw conclusions on the findings from the previous chapters. Implications towards the business environment and research limitations are also included. Recommendations would be made with regard to the limitations so as to provide further directions in the future studies 1.8 SUMMARY This chapter summarized the aims, objectives research questions and the summary of the following chapters. Manufactured goods are something that is prepared in a factory; a brand is something that is purchased by a consumer. Merchandise can be imitated by an opponent; a brand is exceptional. Manufactured goods can be promptly out of date; a flourishing brand is eternal (Stephen King, WPP Group, London). Brand value has turn out to be one of the central parts of advertising area. Therefore, companies who comprehend the significance of brand value are capable to distinguish themselves in the markets. Furthermore, realizing how customers react to brands is supportive for companies to plan as well as build advertising activities. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction Consumer behavior indicates to the behavior in which people obtain, use and organize goods as well as amenities (Blackwell et al., 2001). Due to the explosion of brands in the current years, there are a growing number of studies carried out in the area of consumer buying behavior. Nevertheless, a majority of them focus on a particular nation investigation, despite of the significance of cross-country evaluations which shall motivate inventive thoughts for accepting the fast- shifting customer practice. This research will examine the dissimilarities of British and Indians in purchasing clothes under the effect of brand image. In this chapter, the literatures relating to the functions of brand and brand equity are to be assessed so as to offer a theoretical framework for the abovementioned analysis. Brand presents an essential function for differentiating merchandise and amenities from those of the competitors (Aaker, 1991; Murphy, 1998). The appearance of brand equity inspires the significance of brand in advertising policies and therefore offers helpful approaches for managers and more study (Keller, 2003). (Ref: 2.2 Definitions of brand by different Authors According to the AMA (American Marketing Association) Board of Directors, Marketing is the action, set of organizations, and procedures for creating, interacting, delivering, and exchanging contributions that have worth for consumers, customers, associates, and society at large.(source: Dr. Philip Kotler defines advertising as the art along with science of producing, delivering as well as exploring importance to satisfy the necessities of a target market at a gain. Marketing identifies unhappy desires and requirements. It explains events along with measures the size of the known marketplace as well as the revenue likely. It spots out which sector the company is capable of serving supreme and it designs and markets the suitable merchandise and amenities. (Source: Marketing is a planned and strategic many-sided process that holds sales as well as consumer service and withholding. Marketing can also become a response loop involving an organization and its consumers and prospects that assists to notify and develop the business going forward. (Rebecca Lieb, 2009). Marketing comprehends your buyers actually well then creating precious goods, services, and facts particularly for them to facilitate resolve their difficulties. (David Meerman Scott 2010) Marketing, when performed properly, is building such an astonishing experience around your brand or manufactured goods that individuals with no other association to it want to inform their friends about how astonishing it is, and the series starts again. (Peter Shankman 2010) A brand is nothing but an appearance of the consumers trustworthiness and faith. (Phil Dusenberry 2006) In the publics eye, a brand is a guarantee. It is a pledge that the service carrying that brand will survive up to its name, and execute. (Harry Beckwith 1997) Brand works in two ways: It works in the manner we characteristically think, as drawing buyers with the brands hidden promise of quality. But the brand also works at the stage of the second key pool of forecast: potential workers. Since you are more than your brand; you are the people who symbolize it, supervise it, and perform its promises and the more forceful your brand, the more effortlessly you can employ that outstanding talent you require to carry on to convey outstanding results. (Harry Beckwith 2000) Simply acknowledged, a brand is an identifiable place, person, or thing. Our job as marketers is to build brands that are separate and different from related products or services presented by competitors. Its all about discrimination. (Steve Cone 2011) If you want to make a flourishing brand, you have to comprehend difference. You have to look for chances to build new groups by difference of existing groups. And after that you have to become the first brand in this rising new group. (Al Laura Ries, 2004) A Killer Brand survives when an individual develops an inconsistent amount of achievement in its group for the reason that of a forceful and distinguished anticipation that comes to be connected with its name. (Frank Lane 2007) Brand refers to the set of aspects that occur in a consumers mind when that individual hears your name or views your logo. (Bill Chiaravalle, 2006) A brand is a term, name, symbol, plan or every additional aspect that recognizes one retailers merchandise or amenities as different from those of new retailers. (Dibb et al (1997) Bennett (1988)) 2.3 The significant roles of brand Brand is a term in each customers intellect (Mooij, 1998) plus it is distinguished by a visible symbol or term which shall make a distinction between the services and products from the opponents (Aaker, 1991; Keller, 1998). In accumulation to a particular brand name, a brand is furthermore composed of goods, wrapping, advertising, endorsement, and also its general appearance (Murphy, 1998). From the customers point of view, brand is a sponsor of dependability as well as quality in customer goods (Roman et al., 2005). Further to this, customers would be fond of to purchase plus make use of brand-name goods with a vision to emphasize their individuality in unusual circumstances backgrounds (Aaker, 1999; Fennis and Pruyn, 2006). These days, customers possess a broad variety of option to select from when they go into a mall. It is established that customers sentiments are one of the most important elements which have an effect on their purchasing behavior (Berry, 2000). According to a study performed by Free ride Media LLC (1998) on shopping practices, nearly 1/4th of the participants are to be expected to impulse -purchase accessories plus clothes. When choosing which goods to buy, customers have their favorites, which are urbanized in harmony with their insights in the direction of the brand. Victorious branding possibly will formulate customers conscious of the existence of the brand plus as a result could amplify the possibility of purchasing the companys goods along with amenities (Doyle, 1999). 2.4 The distinctiveness of victorious brands A brand can be a never-ending and beneficial quality on condition that it is preserved in a good mode that can carry on fulfilling customers requirements (Batchelor, 1998; Murphy, 1998). Even though doing well brands can be completely dissimilar in environment, they share a bit in general, for example well-priced goods plus constant quality (Murphy, 1998). As citied by Levitt (1983), there are four fundamentals for creating a victorious brand, namely augmented brand, tangible product, potential brand, and basic brand. Tangible product refers to the goods which meet up the essential requirements of the consumers. Basic brand, on the other hand, considers the wrapping of the tangible product in order to draw the notice from the prospective clientele. The brand can be extra increased with the provision of trustworthiness, effectual after-sales services and the same. Lastly plus most significantly, a prospective brand is recognized through stimulating consumer favorite and reliability. By doing so, the picture of the brand could be well inspired in the consumers brain. (Ref: The following are the several features adding to the victory of brands which are recognized; A characteristic merchandise / amenity Experience Acceptable skill is the most important element of brand values. If the feature of knowledge worsens, or if the brand is exceeded by better discounts from opponents, then its place shall be damaged. initial -Mover benefit Being foremost into the marketplace does not essentially fetch victory, but it creates the job effortless. It is very easy to confine a division of the customers mind and manufacture a customer base, when the brand has no opponents to equal its place. exclusive spotting model If the brand is not the leader, it should have an exclusive spotting model a section plan, importance scheme or amplified brand, which will append the importance as well as differentiate it from opposition. Tough interactions Programme A victorious brand needs a successful retailing, promotional or advertising operation, which will commune the brands survival, its purpose along with emotional significance, activate test and strengthen promise to it. Exclusive of creating consciousness, understanding and intent to purchase the brand is insignificant. instance and constancy Customarily, brands were not manufactured swiftly. It frequently obtains years to increase the augmented values, and create a faithful association. (Ref: 2.5 The value of brands to customers According to Jean-Noel Kapferer (1992), brands carry out quite a lot of roles that put in value as well as consumer advantages: expediency: To accumulate moment as well as energy via indistinguishable re-buying and faithfulness moral: contentment related to the dependable action of the brand in its association with society assurance: To be certain of discovering the similar quality no issue where or when you purchase the manufactured goods or amenities permanence: contentment brought about through acquaintance as well as closeness with the brand that you have been using for many decades self-indulgent: contentment related to the charisma of the brand, to its symbol, to its interaction Optimization: To be sure of buying the best product in the category, the best performer for a particular purpose recognition: To be evidently seen, to formulate sense of the propose, to rapidly recognize required goods Characterization: To have confirmation of your personality or the image that you show to others 2.6 The significance Of Brands To Companies Brands build worth for companies, in the subsequent methods: Brand influence: The brand manager gains From two major influence results: Higher volume leads to economies of scale in development, production and marketing; Premium pricing increases revenue. Brands, market share and profits: characteristically a brand manager acquires twice the market share of the brand which is in second position, and the brand which is in second position twice the share of the third position. The brand leader is the most profitable and all beyond number two are unprofitable The importance of Niche Brands: controlling a niche market is generally extra advantageous than being fifth in a huge marketplace. The Brand obstacle: Brand mangers generally have the economic power to fend off rivals. Prospective opponents are generally unwilling to penetrate the market if present brands please consumers. In accumulation, brand managers can expand their authority in the market. Possibilities for development: The manufactured goods life cycle relates to goods, not brands. Companies can preserve a brand while altering the fundamental manufactured goods to report for new knowledge, trend or existing market circumstances. The brand can also be utilized to enter new marketplace. Brand reliability and values: well-built brands are more eye-catching to sponsors. Brand reliability also diminishes advertising costs and makes sure companies to overrule irregular issues (e.g. Johnson Johnson with Tylenol). Encouraging shareholders: businesses with well-built brands magnetize good recruits. They also are inclined to bring out society as well as government support. (Ref: 2.7 Brand equity The name brand equity denotes to organized qualities as well as accountabilities linked with a brand, consisting of its name as well as logo, which possibly will force advantageous or disadvantageous results on the values taking place from the goods or amenities (Aaker, 1991; Yasin et al., 2007). And Keller (1998) spots out that brand equity denotes the elite advertising results forced on the brand. Relating to the affirmative part of brand equity, it occurs when customers are eager to give more for the similar stage of excellence just for the reason that of the magnetism of the name connected to the manufactured goods (Bello and Holbrook, 1995). Nonetheless, brand equity may possibly be damaged if it is not correctly handled. For example, underprivileged merchandise quality and consumer amenities can unfavorably influence the brand image, providing ascend to a decrease in retailing quantity. One of the typical instances concerning brand as a type of equity is the obligation of rules to shelter logical possessions (Murphy, 1998). In countries with entrenched officially permitted scheme, the importance of brands has been acknowledged to both the customers and manufacturers. In order to combat plagiarism, many countries have established rules to guard rights, trademarks, and plans in addition to copyright. In accumulation, brand is also deal able merchandise by means of quantifiable fiscal worth (Murphy, 1998). It is not rare to discover some recognizable brands scheduled on the stock markets in which they could be purchased or traded. Brands like Vodafone, Marks and Spencer, HSBC, Sainsbury and Tesco are all listed on the FTSE 100 index (London Stock Exchange, 2007). It is discovered that the instability of stock market could have an effect on customers buying mood, not to talk about the growth or turns down of retail sales (Blackwell, 2002). This is supported by the truth that brand equity relies on the number of people with usual acquisition (Aaker, 1996). The aforementioned instances stress the standards of brand equity for both customers and the company. For the customers, brand equity can offer them with data about the brand which powers their self-assurance throughout the buying procedures. There is a soaring tendency for customers with high-quality insights to purchase from the similar shop again than those with poor insights. Past

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Control of Women in Early Modern Europe Essay -- female rights in

Do you believe in equal rights for women? During the sixteenth and seventeenth century, the rights of women were restricted when compared to the rights of men. Many of these rights were based upon the social and marital status of the woman, but regardless of her status, she had less rights than her husband. As I will argue in this paper, men controlled women and limited their rights with regard to guardianship, serving as a witness, and owning property. Women were viewed as inferior to men and often considered unable to make intellectual decisions. As Professor Byars stated in class, women at this time had illegitimate power rather than legitimate power. Anything they received, they received from someone or something else. Women only obtained wealth or power in a manner deemed appropriate by men. Women faced restrictions and lack of personal control their entire life and were under the authority of men. Men didn’t believe women could manage their personal affairs. Once a woman’s husband passed away, she was considered unable to manage her own life and was assigned a guardian to oversee her various affairs by a council or court system. This acting guardian was also assigned to her children and would oversee the affairs of the children until they turned legal age. Since the woman lost control of her children, it was the guardian who made decisions based upon what he thought was best for her children. The father of her deceased husband often had more to say about the children’s future than the mother. The only time the mother had full control of her children were if the children were illegitimate (Weisner 231). Guardianship was also another way for cities to control the inheritance of the widow. As Merry Weisner stated in her essa... ...erty was left to male heirs. Man was considered the head of the household and the master of women. It was the belief that by strengthening the power of the husband, you strengthen the power of the family (Scchneider 235). It is clear equal rights for men and women did not appear until well after the sixteenth and seventh centuries in early modern Europe. Women were under the control of men. Works Cited Schneider, Zoe. â€Å"Women Before the Bench: Female Litigants in Early Modern Normandy.† Early Modern Europe: Issues and Interpretations. Eds. James B. Collins and Karen L. Taylor. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. 2006. 241-257. Weisner, Merry. â€Å"Political, Economic, and Legal Structures.† Early Modern Europe: Issues and Interpretations. Eds. James B. Collins and Karen L. Taylor. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. 2006. 222-240.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

D. Virginiana (Didelphis Marsupialis) Essay -- Biology Animals Researc

D. Virginiana (Didelphis Marsupialis) The text of this paper will cover a description of D. virginiana, its ecology, history, and research involving the species. The first topic to be discussed by this paper is a description of D. virginiana, which was until recently referred to as Didelphis marsupialis. The description of the opossum will start with a taxonomic description of the species. Following, will be the opossums appearance, and last will be the life cycle of the noted species. The opossum, Didelphis virginiana, takes its name from two different languages. The name Didelphis is made up of the two Greek words â€Å"di†, and â€Å"delphys† which stand for â€Å"two wombs† referring to the female opossums paired reproductive tract. The name â€Å"virginiana†, means â€Å"of Virginia† in its Latinized form. This refers to the where the first scientific specimen was found and catalogued (The Georgia). The taxonomic classification of the opossum is as follows: Domain: Eukarya; Kingdom: Animalia; Phylum: Chordata; Class: Mammalia; Order: Marsupialia; Family: Didelphidae; Genus: Didelphis; Species: Virginiana (Savage 45). The appearance of D. virginiana is quite unique. It has a length of approximately 650 – 900 millimeters (25.4 – 35.1 inches), and a weight of approximately 1.8 – 4.5 kilograms (4 – 10 pounds) (Yahner 11). The opossum has a gray, or black, hair color scheme, with a scaly prehensile tail (Merritt 33). The forefeet and hind feet both have five clawed toes. However, the hind big toe is opposable and resembles a thumb (Merritt 35). The opossum, being a marsupial, also has a pouch (Yahner 11). The life cycle of Didelphis virginiana is quite interesting, ... ...bdominal cavities of the given marsupials, and enclosing them in pens at a constant temperature, the researchers were able to get more exact mean body temperatures for the marsupials. They were also able to find the circadian, or twenty-four hour, rhythms in the body temperatures of the marsupials. The mean body temperature for D. virginiana was found to be 35.1 degrees Celsius, with a range from 33.8 to 36.3 degrees Celsius. The lower range of the temperature was found to be during the day. The results for D. virginiana were similar to previous calculations of mean body temperature. The data from this study was compared to eutharian mammals, which showed similar differences among their species (Gemmell). In conclusion, the text of this paper has covered a description of D. virginiana, its ecology, history, and research involving the species.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Analysis of Jon Edwards : Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

Anna Potts Steve Stewart ENGL 2130 06 February 2013 Analysis of Jonathan Edwards’ â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† The Great Awakening was a religious movement that spread throughout New England during the mid-eighteenth century, from about 1730 to 1745. The Great Awakening sought to make Christianity a deeply personal experience and pulled away from traditional ceremony, encouraging personal commitment and emotional involvement in faith. Jonathan Edwards was a Puritan and theologian; one of the most famous preachers of the Great Awakening.Edwards’ most famous sermon was â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God†, despite the fact that he had delivered the sermon to his own congregation, with little effect, he felt led to use it again when invited to preach at the neighboring town of Enfield, Massachusetts on July 8, 1741. During Edwards’ sermon he used vivid imagery of hell, the wrath of God, and the hope of salvation to reveal his pers pective on the reality that awaited those that did not follow Christ. During his sermon Jonathan Edwards used vivid imagery and descriptions to make his congregation see that hell was a real place.To make the congregation see just how close to hell they truly were Edwards stated, â€Å"That world of misery, that lake of burning brimstone is extended aboard under you (Cox). † He also wanted them to realize that the longer they went without Christ, the heavier they would become. â€Å"Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downward with great weight and pressure toward hell (Westerfield). † The ground beneath them would give way under the weight of their wickedness and they would plunge into hell where the Devil would be ready for them. The Devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping, for them, the flames gather and flash about them and would fain lay hold on them, and swallow them up (Smolinski 11). † If the descriptions of hell and the Devi l weren’t enough, Edwards also used the power and wrath of a vengeful God to strike fear into the hearts of the unconverted in the crowd at Enfield. The sheer magnitude of God’s power is shown in the line â€Å"There is nothing that keeps wicked men, at any one moment, out of hell, but the mere pleasure of God (Gallagher). Edwards instilled fear into the congregation by threatening the vengeance of God, â€Å"He will crush you under his feet without mercy, he’ll crush out your blood, and make it fly, and it shall be sprinkled on his garments (Trapp). † As more and more people chose not to follow Christ, God becomes angry and his wrath continues to grow. The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given; and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is its course once it is let loose (Baym et al. 99). Edwards sought to show the congregat ion their desperate need for God’s grace, impressing the crowd with what he perceived as the power of truth. Before ending his sermon, Edwards appeals to the unconverted in the congregation with the hope of salvation from a sovereign God. Edwards continues, â€Å"And now you have an extraordinary opportunity (Rogers 11). †Ã¢â‚¬ You are in a day where Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide open, and stands calling and crying with a loud voice to poor sinners (Rogers 11). â€Å"Let everyone of you who is still without Christ, and hanging over the pit of hell, whether they be old men and women, or middle aged, or young people, or little children, now listen to the loud calls of God’s word and providence (Copeland et al. 228). † Edwards’ final line was a call for the congregation to look back on the depths of damnation through which they had traveled-leaving the valley of hell and returning to the mountain heights of the Devine perspective, the heig hts from which the hope of salvation could be properly understood and embraced (Stuart 58).Stephen Williams, an eyewitness in Enfield, wrote in his diary â€Å"before the sermon was done there was a great moaning and crying went through ye whole house, ‘What shall I do to be saved,’ ’Oh, I am going to Hell,’ ’Oh, what shall I do for Christ,’ and so forth. So yet ye minister was obliged to desist, ye shrieks and cries were piercing and amazing (Farley). † Though his sermon caused many to fear him, Jonathan Edwards’ ultimate goal was to convert the sinners and nonbelievers in the congregation and lead them into salvation.Edwards hoped the imagery and message of his sermon would awaken his audience. His underlying point was that God had given humanity a chance to rectify their sins. Edwards ended his sermon with one final appeal, â€Å"Therefore let everyone that is out of Christ, now awake and fly from the wrath to come. † To modern readers â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† may appear to be the work of a sadistic, wide-eyed radical or a fear-monger, but the sermon is actually a reflection of the cruel and puritanical time in which Edwards lived and preached.Works Cited Baym et at. The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume 1, Beginnings to 1865. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2008. Copeland, Lewis, Lawrence Lamm, and Stephen McKenna. The World’s Greatest Speeches. Fourth Enlarged Edition. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1999. Cox, Brandon. â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. † 2009. Retrieved from www. brandonacox. com, February 01, 2013. Farley, William P. â€Å"Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening. † Enrichment Journal. Springfield: The General Council of the Assemblies of God. 013. Retrieved from http://enrichmentjournal. ag. org, February 10,2013. Gallagher, Edward. â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: Some Unfinished Bu siness. † Department of English, Lehigh University. Retrieved from www. lehigh. edu , January 31, 2013. Rogers, Henry. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, A. M. : With an Essay on His Genius and Writings, Volume 2. London: Ball, Arnold, and Co. 1840. Print. Smolinski, Reine. â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. † (1741).Electronic Texts in American Studies. Paper. Stuart, Robert Lee. â€Å"Jonathan Edwards at Enfield: and Oh the Cheerfulness and Pleasantness†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ American Literature, Vol. 48, No. 1. Durham: Duke University Press. 1976. Print. Trapp, Joonna. â€Å"Hell In a Hand Basket: The absence of Hell in American Literature. † Northwestern College. Philosophy Colloquium. 2005. Westerfield, David. â€Å"A Quote From a Very Famous Edwards Sermon. † Theology. 2006. Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006. Retrieved from www. davidwesterfield. net on January 30,2013.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Case About Rf and Tatarstan Delegation of Authorities

THE CASE ABOUT RF AND TATARSTAN DELEGATION OF AUTHORITIES 1. Why Tatarstan was succeeded to be the â€Å"elected† region in terms of its’ authorities? As far as I could understand, the reasons why Tatarstan was chosen for delegation of Authorities and this Agreement are mostly historical. Historical and political preconditions of Tatarstan turned in such way, that Russian Federation and Tatarstan were nearly in equal position. For example, Tatarstan was independent co-founder of USSR, Tatarstan Tatarstan did not participate in election of State Duma in December 1993, Tatarstan did not sign the Federative Agreement in 1992.This shows the level of independence of Tatarstan from Russian Federation. In my opinion, Tatarstan was not very powerful republic, thus, to keep on developing it needed an alliance. It had political independence, but in terms of resources and power it did not have much. Russia, on the other hand, wanted to avoid appearance of another country just in t he very heart of it. To avoid repeat of Chechnya Case, Russian Authorities decided to change the way they behave about it. Instead of gaining power using military forces, Russian Federation took the way of diplomacy and political alliance.Thus, we can say that both sides needed this agreement, bith sides could benefit from it, but in my opinion, Tatarstan would need it more than Russia, in the case of different location. 2. Suggest some more or less objective criteria to select regions for establishing special favorable regime of relations with the federal center. This question in my point of view cannot have theoretical solution, because in any different case there would be new accomplishments and new terms, that would challenge the theory pretty much.But still, some tips could be defined. I think that in century of innovations and technological development, very important aspect would be potential rate of development of the region. It’s not important how much the region is developed, it’s much more vital – how can we develop it. In what way we can grow industry, or culture or trade or any other side of life of country. This criterion is very subjective, I understand this, but this is more an advantage than a disadvantage.Because government should realize itself, for what reason it needs the region, why it is necessary to develop favorable relations with this or that region, in what way it could be profitable. From history of Russian Empire we know examples of having totally useless for Empire regions (Poland) and caused a lot of trouble in tries to keep it quiet and not rebelling. 3. What is the author’s opinion on respect of whether special delegation of authorities between Tatarstan and RF is a good thing? Do you agree with him and why?On example of RF and Tatarstan Agreement we can see how idea of federal construction, integration and decentralization actually works. Author has very positive opinion about creating decentralized country and going on forward in development of this way. I do not have any real opinion about this, but if we look at 70 years of centralized country, and look at what do we have to suffer afterwards, I would say that decentralization is the right way to develop country federal structure, so that all the knowledge and all the experience is circulating among regions, and let develop the weak.